Monday, July 21, 2008


The poor K fam is stranded in North Carolina :( Due to severe storms last night, the airline cancelled their flight home and put them up in the Sheraton in Charlotte. They supposedly fly out around 1pm, but of course we're expecting more severe thunderstorms after noon today. THEY'RE NEVER COMING HOME!!!

To make matters worse, Chels and Matt's video camera was stolen. This is the camera where they recorded vaca events specifically for me and B to see. And, they caught the culprit red-handed carrying Chels and Soph's bags from their hotel room and they hadn't even checked out (they were at IHOP with the rest of the fam). Of course, after searching the housekeeper's car they couldn't find it and poor Chels was left in tears.

Aubs said the whole ordeal turning into a regular old made-for-TV-movie at this point. Sounds like it to me...

Guess we've had a pretty tame staycation in comparison. Which, might I add, is over now. B went back to work this morning, much to mine and Baby B's displeasure. I keep begging him to change careers and become a teacher with me so we both can have summers off, but I don't think that's going to happen. I think Baby B and our nieces are are the only children he can tolerate for an extended time period.

Well, pending the weather, the highlight of my day is supposed to be meeting the fam at the airport today along with my trusty sidekick (Baby B). The sky is already clouding up though, so we'll see if they depart as scheduled. Say a prayer!

I'll leave you with the latest pic of my trusty sidekick (I'm such a poet). Isn't he the cutest?!

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Babble back y'all