Saturday, August 9, 2008

So much to blog, so little time...

Happy Engagement Dinner, Sarah & Craig!

It's really hard to be witty and entertaining after the most chaotic week ever, so don't expect too much from this entry, Blog Faithfuls. The fact that it's 12:04am, Baby B just went to bed, and we just returned from an engagement dinner in Louisville might also add to my lack in jovial spirits. I'm slightly fatigued, to put it mildy.

I will talk school later. Maybe tomorrow. My classroom still isn't complete, though it looked rather stunning last night at Open House. The kiddos apparently referred to it as "the animal room." I will reveal more tomorrow. Hopefully with the picutres I've promised to post.

I will, however, talk Baby B - who is an amazing six-weeks-old today. I cannot even believe it. Didn't he just get here? Will he not be brand new forever? When I reviewed my class list today, I actually teared up imagining that he will one day be a kindergartener. A kindergartener, for goodness sake! Someday, a teacher will take pride in writing his name on a cute name plate for his desk and cubby. Okay, I have to stop. I'm going to cry. Sigh.

Below is a pic of Baby B sporting a darling Janie and Jack outfit we purchased during our Staycation. He's hanging out with his good buddy, Chuck. Chuck will soon be joined by Peter - the penguin that travelled all the way here from the aquarium in Atlanta to join our gang (via Nana M). Unfortunately, Peter is currently lost in the mess we call our home right now. He's probably wishing he was tucked comfortably back up on a shelf with all the other plush penguins instead of crammed haphazardly beneath our couch or in our diaper bag or wherever he may be right now. Sorry, Peter, we hope to locate you soon.

In other news, we travelled to Louisville tonight to celebrate the engagement of my sorority sister, Sarah, to her wonderful fiance, Craig, tonight. I just said tonight twice. I'm so tired. Anyway, we dined at Martini's and enjoyed visiting with several good friends. Baby B found a comfy shoulder to lay on thanks to the beautiful Paige. I think he has his first crush. I also got to chat with future momma, Rachel, who is due super soon. Keep her in your prayers, as Walker needs to bake a bit longer before he makes his grand entrance into this world. Lovely Miss Saylor was there too, sans her significant other who is busy making a name for himself on the Bass Pro Tour apparently. He he he :)

Welp, I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl! I can't believe you're two!

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