Friday, August 1, 2008

Someone Got Bit by the DIY Bug...

First off, Happy August. Can you believe that we are in the eighth month of the year? Holy. Cow. We will be singing Jingle Bells and Sweet Little Jesus Boy before we know it.

Anways, blogging has inspired my creativity. Especially the Nesting Place. Such great, inexpensive ideas that anyone (i.e. ME) can do. Now, while I certainly consider myself pretty creative - patting myself on the back as we speak - I feel like I lack in home decorating skills. Nevertheless, I try. So, I decided that our living room needed some love. Some patterned love. Hence today's project: bee-yoo-tify TV stand. I wanted pattern and I wanted cheap.

Here is said TV stand before Bee-Yoo-tification Project 2008:
So, off to the glorious kingdom of all craft stores, known to the common folk as Hobby Lobby. After meticulously scanning stack after stack of patterned goodness, I chose two different styles of scrapbook paper. And with a little bit of cutting, a little bit of taping, and about 15 minutes of my precious time, here is how I transformed the TV stand: I think it looks pretty neato-Frito (or neato-Cornito if you buy Kroger brand Fritos. Ha ha ha). B thinks it belongs in a college dorm room. Good thing I don't care what he thinks, huh? And the greatness of the whole project is that it is totally undoable, super cheap ($4 for the paper), and can totally be replaced with any kind of paper that suits my fancy. And, another perk of covering the glass is that now this space can be used as storage for...well, I haven't decided yet, but it will certainly be storing things. Whadaya think????

My next project was to provide some much needed love to our bare front door, seeing as it was likely having some self-esteem issues after we bee-yoo-tified the yard. So, with the assistance of a certain famed decorating guru (my mom's good friend, Sharon, who just happened to be perusing the aisles of HL too), I chose some lovely summer/fall pieces and created this:
Having never wreathed before, I don't think it's all that bad.

And, lastly, I must share the treasures that surfaced today during a trip to one of my favorite places, St. Vincent de Paul. Oh how I love me some thrift. I bought these pieces with my living room in mind, but have yet to place them. And the best part: all of this for - gasp - $5.04! What. A. Steal. Your husband certainly can't complain when you get all of this for only $5.04, right?
The day ended with barbeque chicken and burgers with Chels, Matt, and Soph. I made homemade bacon mac-n-cheese. Delish!

Oh, and in case you thought I left out my trusty sidekick from my picture montage today, you are mistaken. He was napping on the job during the thrifty photoshoot. See if you can find the little bug :)


  1. Crafting! Landscaping! We all turn into our parents eventually but isn't this just a little premature!!!! ;) Kidding aside, I LOVE what you did with the tv stand. TOOOO cute! And the door wreath is gorgeous. You've inspired me!

    Aunt Debbie P.

  2. I have to say Abz- you are very creative! I love the TV stand! I need some lessons from you! Brad would love if I came home with only spending 5 bucks! That never happens! I should have done the Dave Ramsey class with you guys!

  3. GREAT JOB Abby!! I love the tv cabinet...that was such a good idea! The wreath looks beautiful too! You could add a fall ribbon if you wanted to for the fall (Deep purple maybe)....but looks good without. Someday ..maybe your own show on HOW TO DECORATE ON A BUDGET! You actually have become a good source of entertainment for me so keep up the live a much more exciting life than I!! Reminds me of when I was first married..and always looking for ideas to decorate very cheaply! and your Baby Bug Beckham.........he is so adorable! You are blessed!

  4. Great job! I love the scrapbook paper project. Very custom touch. And I loved how you captured Becks on the couch. How could we miss all that beauitful dark hair?!


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