Sunday, September 14, 2008

Against the wind...

Yes, we're still alive - after surviving three hours of the worst wind gusts that our area has seen in decades. Seriously, we were expecting to see chickens and the Wicked Witch of the West fly by our window on her bike. I think that the gusts topped out around 60mph, leaving power lines and tree limbs blanketing roads and front yards. We have been without power since 1pm today and, according to the radio, we may not have any until next week! Eeeeek!

On the upside, school is cancelled tomorrow, meaning that Baby B and I get to spend a luxurious day together (I'll be catching up on lesson plans that I couldn't do today since I was without laptop power). And, at this point, B may be home with us too, as his office is currently without electricity.

It's been a pretty crazy day. Our down-the-street neighbor lost half of an enormous tree, and my dad and B came to the rescue and helped pick up the debris. My dad used his chainsaw to break everything up (you know that was so right up his alley) and the rest of us (including our fav neighbors, Josh and Beth) pulled limbs to a big stack. There are no traffic lights working either which is pretty scary.

Fortunately, B's parents have electricity, so we're vacationing in the Hills tonight. B's passed out on the couch - he was watching the football game - and Baby B's snoozling in his "pink" crib upstairs. Hopefully our power will return tomorrow!

Oh, and our camera is dead, otherwise I would have taken pics of the windy massacre today and posted them. Maybe tomorrow...


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