Monday, September 1, 2008

Guest Postage

I'm guest-posting over at Secret Agent Josephine today! (Click on the link to read my story about adopting our crazy mutt.)

If you've ever scrolled through the blogs that I stalk (over on the lefthand side of my blog), you'll notice that Brenda's blog is one I visit. No, I don't know her, I just think she's an entertaining writer with a darling little girl she calls Baby Bug who is equally as entertaining. Brenda's on a blogging hiatus until September 15th and was looking for guest-posters, so I offered a story about Leland.

Thanks, Secret Agent Josephine! I'm so excited to have made your blog!


  1. Great post. You are a clever writer, Abz. Your personality shines through everytime your fingers hit the keyboard. Keep it coming!

  2. You're welcome! Thank YOU! Your post is hilarious.


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