Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home sweet home...

I miss my home.

And though every room is accented with a pile of laundry, an abnormally large baby occupier (hello, floor gym - could you be any bigger?), and an empty can of Diet Coke, it is our house and I miss it dearly.

That being said - yes, we are on Day Four without power. So, maybe it was fun for the first four hours to play in the wind with the neighbors and search for every candle and flashlight we could find, but now - four days later - I'M OVER IT.

And the amount of TV stations we have to choose from at my inlaws is giving us a complex - I only want to choose from channels 5, 9, and 12 - not channels 1 through 987! Did you even know a channel existed that just shows all the different ways you can prepare a banana?! Just kidding, but hey, with the selection they have it could totally be possible. I digress...

Anyway, B's parents have been super hospitable and we cannot complain even a bit about our accommodations (well, maybe the pink princess bedding Baby B is sleeping on...). We're very fortunate to have a bed to sleep on and a hot shower in the morning. And my heart certainly goes out to those in TX without homes or those who don't have family to stay with. But, nevertheless, it's not like we ever expected Kentucky to be hit with a Level I hurricane. I mean, the Ohio River is the closest body of water for goodness sake. Three-headed catfish are all we bargained for, not 78mph winds.

B's office is still out of power also, so he's been Super Dad by taking good care of Baby B (I returned to work today). He may not work all week.

Nothing like a free vacation in September, eh? If only it weren't hurricane season we could have re-booked our cruise to the Caribbean. Oh wait, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place without the hurricane. We can't win.

Again, pray for power. We miss our cozy little cable-less home :(

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