Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh, yeah...

I remembered two other things I was supposed to tell you. And, yes, it is important that I tell you at 11:59pm.

1. Baby B is totally still sleeping in his pack-n-play next to our bed. The whole let's-try-sleeping-in-the-crib idea was a bust. So, I guess we're officially modified co-sleepers (somethings I was VERY against before I met Baby B, but he charmed me into it). I mean, he's only a this little once. Thus, I can only roll over and look at his precious face for a couple more months before I become a distraction and prevent him from sleeping because I'm staring at him. Plus, it makes his midnight snacking habit much more tolerable since I don't have to trek to the other side of the house to get him. Okay, his room is actually an extension of our room, but still, it is the other side of the house.

2. I kept meaning to update the library book situation, which ended up being a bad situation for me financially. After B sent me this article, I decided I might want to return the stash I was hoarding instead of risking jail time. (They probably don't let you bring your breastpump to jail with you, and that right there would be bad news for everyone involved.) Nevertheless, I paid $24.50 in fines. Oops.

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