Saturday, October 18, 2008

Insert your own title here...

Ah, Saturday, how I love thee...

Isn't it amazing how the weekend flies by? It's already 4:11pm and I just know that Monday morning will be here before I know it.

I haven't blogged much about teaching, so I'll let this be an educational update. This coming week is my first week of KTIP observations. This is the internship program I have to complete as a first year teacher. It's very similar to the practicum observations from undergrad in that I have to create a mammoth portfolio, write super-detailed-very-useless lesson plans (because no teacher would ever have enough time to create these for everything she taught), and be observed by everyone but the Dalai Lama in order to obtain my official certification. So, I will be observed this week by my resource teacher and principal, and then next week by the state appointed advisor. No pressure or anything.

This week is also the Halloween Decorating Contest and Fall Festival at our school. The pumpkin decorating contest is next week. All I can think about is winning this stupid door decorating contest, though, as if my teaching credibility depends on it. Like my heart starts racing. Not even kidding. The whole family is on it, trying to help me think of ideas that are better than the rumors I've already heard circulating. Let's just say the third grade teachers are going all political on us, thinking up creative stuff like Barack Oooobama and Sarah Ghoulin. Too bad my kindergarteners probably don't even recognize the history being made this election year. I'm planning on teaching about it on their level the week before November 4th by reading them books like LaRue for Mayor and Duck for President. We'll also vote for president in our class and I'll encourage them to go to the polls with their parents to vote as well.

Anyway, back to the door. After seeing my most favorite musical ever this past winter (twice, yes I saw it TWICE, and I would see it again and again and again), I think I might decorate my door with this phrase: Mrs. M's class is WICKEDLY smart or something to that effect with the famous image in the background. (Credit to my dad on this idea!) I'll show you the finished product once it's completed. If you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it. MUST WIN is my mantra. And I'll do what it takes.

Baby B is still the cutest, most sweetest child ever - if you didn't already get that from the adorable video of him laughing that I posted. If you need further proof, see pics below. Oh, and he's 16 weeks old now. That means his official four month birthday is only days away. Sigh. Time fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies.

Have a great weekend!


  1. My name is Kate Price and I am a friend of Lindsay Alexander. Your blog is such a joy to read and gives me a glimpse of what life will be like when our daughter gets here in Dec. I am also a school teacher, 2nd grade. You might want to look into reading "Grace for President", too. Very cute book! Good luck with the door decorating contest. I'll let you know if I think of any good ideas.

  2. Oh, Abby, he is absolutely adorable! I'm sure he keeps you entertained at every moment. Good to hear from you, glad you stumbled acorss my blog! I actually confess to checking yours often ;-)


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