Saturday, October 11, 2008

Way down yonder in the pumpkin patch...

Surprise! B took a half day yesterday and surprised me and Baby B with a trip to McGlassons Farm. It was unusually warm for an autumn day, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a carton of apple cider, strolling the fields in search of the perfect pumpkin, and snapping pictures like the budding photographers that we are.
Baby B was so consumed with anticipation that he wore himself right out and arrived at the pumpkin patch snoozling away. After posing for umpteen pictures, we settled him into the man pouch where he bounced happily, observing the colorful fall scenery. B finally found the perfect pumpkin, I grabbed a couple mini pumpkin gourds, and half gallon of cider and we called it a day. Good family fun for under $20 bucks.

B is determined to carve a pumpkin with Baby B's name on it this year. He even wants to buy a special pumpkin carving power tool too to assist him in this ambition. Last year he made a pumpkin with a ghost carved in it and it was pretty spectacular. I'll show you the finished product on the 31st.

I'm glad B enjoys all the fuss involved in carving a pumpkin since dealing with ooey gooey pumpkin guts really isn't my thing. However, I do love roasting pumpkin seeds and, of course, eating them. That's my contribution to the family tradition. Actually, my last memory of eating them was right after we found out we were preggers with Baby B. They probably contributed to the first five pounds I put on! He he he.

Adios! Enjoy your Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the Pumpkin patch fun! Babies are sooo cute in their fall attire! He is getting so big! I love how he is propped up there with those nice 2 pumpkins! He looks like such a big boy! Our little ones are growing up too fast!!!


Babble back y'all