Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 Fun Facts about the Babbling Family

1. I am addicted to Diet Coke. B is addicted to milk. The man could consume an entire cow's worth in a day, I kid you not. We would be wise to invest in a Bessie or Annabelle. I, on the other hand, am probably rotting away my insides by consuming excessive amounts of phenalalynine by 9am every morning.

2. I heart, I mean HEART, Ugg boots. I don't care if the trend expired with shiny lipgloss and Amy Winehouse, I could wear them every fall/winter for the next 50 years. Not even kidding. I own two pairs - a classic tall sand colored pair and a classic short brown colored pair. They are so comfy and warm. I could wear them with skirts. I could wear them with jeans. I could wear them on a boat. I could wear them with a goat. Sam I am, I could wear them anywhere! Whoa, the kindergarten teacher in me was coming out...

3. We have a tea kettle sitting on our stove. Do I make tea? No. But doesn't every stove just need a tea kettle sitting on it to look complete? I do, however, use it to boil water for hot cocoa and instant coffee. My stove also complained that he needed a decorative trivet to mask his Harvest Gold hue. Hate to tell you Stove, but nothing can hide your 1970s good looks.

4. B works for a company that manufactures centrifuges. Don't know what they are? Maybe you should Google it in the search engine to the left to find out.

5. We have family all over the country - from Vermont to Arizona. My parents each have 6 brothers and sisters, plus spouses and children. B's mom has 10 brother and sisters and his dad has a brother and a sister, plus spouses and children and children's children. Isn't that so fun? Family reunions are the best.

6. B and I scored Red Wings tix for March. Woot, woot! At the Joe, lower bowl, row 11. Hotdog!

7. B drives a VW Jetta. I drive a Nissan Pathfinder. Neither are new, and we will drive them til they die because we're all Dave Ramsey-ish like that. I'm up for a new car next. I want a VW Passat Wagon.

8. B has the most incredible sweettooth ever. His faves - Hot Tamales, Sour Patch Kids, and Lemonheads. I prefer chocolate, chocolate, and occasionally chocolate.

9. We never make our bed. Ever. Not even when company comes over. Maybe some day I'll grow up and it will be a priority. Made or unmade, the bed still sleeps exactly the same.

10. Me, B, and all of our siblings have attended at some point or are currently attending the University of Kentucky. They should name a scholarship after our loyalty.

Wasn't that fun?

1 comment:

  1. Abby,
    I love your blog. Baby B is such a cutie. Your mom sent the link to me so I could see your darling Baby B. I know your mom (we went to jr. high and high school together, and a while at Roane State). You sound very much like Shelley. She posts pictures from time to time -- I get to see the whole family that way. I knew Dan for a while, at RSCC.


Babble back y'all