Monday, November 10, 2008

A case of The Mondays

Yes, I am suffering from a bad case of The Mondays. It was a two-Diet-Cokes-by-9am kinda day.

The day started off with me unable to find anything to wear. This is too tight. This is too muffintop-ish. This is too black. This is too big. This shouldn't be worn after Labor Day. This is from 2001. This is inappropriate. This makes me have unnecessary cleavage. This isn't clean. I think Baby B spit up on this. You get this picture.

947 outfits later I decided that anything warm and clean would fit the bill, and I left the house in a sweater and skirt that I borrowed from Katie Allen for Keeneland when I still lived in Lexington three years ago. (Katie, if you're reading, you can totally have the skirt back. My sincere apologies.)

Since B was taking Baby B to his mom's, my goal was to be at school by 7:30am. The clothing disaster had me leaving the house at 7:30am and then arriving at school 22 stoplights later. I caught every darn one. Not even kidding.

When I got to school I was greeted by a blinking light on my phone indicating a voicemail. Another indication that The Mondays were coming on. The parent was on her way to school to meet with me. I should have just left sick at that point.

So, I conferenced with a parent for 10 minutes (which may not seem like a huge amount of time, but when you're a teacher every precious nanosecond counts). Fortunately, said parent wasn't a tyrant and we had a very nice convo about her child.

Moving on...

Then came the addition of the new student to my classroom. Plus the other new student I got last week. Plus the student that comes from first grade to my room every day. I now have 25 students. And it's crazy how one tiny person can change the whole room dynamic. They've gone from a manageable bunch of eager learners, to a hyper bunch of whiners. Is it the time of year or what? So, nevertheless, I pretty much need to reorganize EVERYTHING about my classroom to accommodate new students, new behavior, and generally the chaos that is my classroom from 8:15-11:41am every day. Are you allowed to muzzle kindergareners??? Totally kidding. And where am I going to find the time for these alterations?

Oh, and the copy machine was out of order, report cards are due in 72 hours, conferences are next Thursday, and my house is a hot mess (big surprise there, huh?). I swear I cleaned this weekend, but I just can't seem to prevent the clutter from spewing everywhere. I'm not even a pack rat. We just have lots of stuff. Everywhere.

The best part of the day so far is that Soph and Baby B are both snoozling. I should be cleaning, but Soph's spot is on the couch in the living room where most of mess is. Arggggg....

You know what would make my case of The Mondays go away? (Well, besides hired help and some extra hours in the day...) I would love to know that you actually read BabblingAbby. Even if I don't know you in real life. Just leave me a little comment that tells me who you are and where you blog at so I can come visit. Please? My ego could use the boost :)

Oh, and here's the boy child at 4 months old. Love him, love him, love him. He's the cure for the chaos.


  1. Hi Abby-
    I totally stumbled upon your blog one day and I have been secretly stalking you ever since! I love reading your blog and about all your adventures and your family is so adorable! Baby B is too cute! I'm new to the blogging world so I love coming upon other peoples blogs and reading them, it makes me feel like everyone goes through the same things I do! My blog is if you're interested my ramblings on life!

  2. So I am officially leaving a comment b/c I know exactly how you feel. I actually found you through Lindsay (who is married to my husband's cousin) so I guess you could call her cousin-in-love. But I have to say I love reading your blog, you are hilarious and very entertaining. I am listed on Lindsay's if you like to check it out but I have to warn you, I am not the best writer in the world but it sure is fun to share. Hope your Monday gets better...

  3. I read your blog every single day. Some days it makes me laugh. Some days it makes me cry. But it always leaves me saying "amen, sister."

  4. I feel your pain. Our report cards went out last week while I convieniently got the stomach flu. Terrible! I came back to school two days before report cards were to go home, stayed very late and finally finished. Just know, this too shall pass! We have a holiday tomorrow, do you?

  5. Baby B looks like he is saying..."'s going to be ok...tomorrow is tuesday!" You are actually the first thing I look at every morning and am so disappointed when there is nothing for me to read. I imagine there is not much extra time for you to blog everyday just to fill my need to read what is going on in your head! But it is those days that I see you have written that brighten my day! I hope you are feeling better now that the day is coming to a end. Good luck on doubt in my mind that you will do a super job! and look great too!
    Love, Sharon

  6. Abby, I read your blog EVERYDAY! I love it and it's like an wonderful, neverending (or I hope it never ends and you don't leave me hangin' for a day)book. I hope your day gets better, meatloaf should do it!
    P.S. Beckham is so cute! He looks like a different baby everytime you post a picture. I can't believe he lost all of his hair! I'm glad that I am able to keep up with you guys even though we never get to see you!

  7. If you are able to muster the time to check out my blog post from today, you will see we both had a less-than-awesome day! I believe my post title "Blah" says it all!

    The holidays are coming! Yea! That will cheer anyone up!

  8. Hey cuz! Of course all of this blogging is worth something! Many of us enjoy reading your blog, including myself! It's a great way to keep up with what is going on in the life of the Mullins'! I must say, I love seeing that little fella too! Of course Mondays are not the best days! I think school should be Tuesday- Friday. That would be GRAND! The first year of teaching can be pretty overwhelming, but it's only natural to get stressed at times! You are a wonderful mother, wife, teacher, and person all together! Keep your head up and live for the weekends, summers, and holidays (which are going to be here very soon)! I'm so excited! I love this time of year!

  9. Abby- I know Rachel Watts Webb from high school and after keeping up with her blog of baby Walker, I browsed through her favorite blogs. I instantly became glued to your site and read it when I have the time. From Rachel and You blogging got me to start blogging my adventures of heading to the altar. :)

    Thanks for inspiring me to blog, even though you don't know me! Isn't it funny how blogging can just release steam after a long day?!! At least it does for me!

  10. I also stumbled onto your blog and found myself reading the whole thing one night. I have since tried to keep up with it. I teach first grade in Hawkins county, so i do feel some of your pain (like muzzeling small children). I am almost afraid to tell you my blog because I haven't updated it in quite a while, but it is
    Hope your Tuesday is better!

  11. Wow...I guess since others admitted to blog stalking, I will,too! My name is Lyndsay, and I'm a friend of your cousin, Heather. Our husbands have been great friends since they were young 'ens. Your blog is so entertaining!! I love it! I'm quite jealous of your writing abilities. :) Beckham is ah-dorable!! You have a beautiful little family.
    My blog is

  12. Super random because this is almost 3 years later but I discovered your blog through a fellow teacher friend of mine and have been following you since I began blogging a few months ago. Why am I doing the time warp you ask? I was curious about Baby B and his arrival to the Babbling family so I hit the archives and have been sucked in! I enjoy reading about your life as a teaching mom, a life I hope to lead soon! Thanks for babbling, I'm loving it!

  13. Blog stalking!!! Love reading all your posts. I stumbled upon you through TpT and am hooked on your stories. Too much like my life at times!! While waiting for your newest update I decided, like others, to catch up on where it all started ... :)


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