Friday, November 14, 2008


Ay, ay, ay.

I can barely keep my eyes open. And I really want to keep them open for about 30 more minutes so I can watch Ba-ba-wa Walters grill the "pregnant" man on 20/20. Can you believe (s)he is having ANOTHER kid? Not because (s)he's really a woman or anything, just because I personally cannot fathom being pregnant AGAIN so soon after giving birth. I'm pretty sure (s)he just gave birth around the same time I had Baby B, and I definitely do not want to be pregnant again any time soon.


After making chicken fried rice for dinner, we headed to the neighbors to watch the Cats lose to VMI. Sad face. It was a dissapointment, but it was fun to catch up with Josh and Beth (who we tend to lose touch with during the colder months, despite the fact their front door is literally ten feet from our own). I came home to put Baby B to bed and B is still hanging out with Josh. Actually, he just walked in the door, empty Tanquerey and Tonic in hand.

The weekend will be uneventful as we gear up for the holiday travelling we'll be doing starting next weekend. We'll be in Pikeville for Sarah's wedding...Cumberland for Thanksgiving...and then Christmas the second week of December in Michigan. December 25th will be here in NO TIME.

Hopefully Baby B will sleep through the night. I could use a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sister! Just thought I'd check in with the Mullins family tonight. I also watched the 20/20 special about the pregnant (wo)man Friday night and must say that I was glued to the TV. Even stranger the fact that the wife, who has no relation to the child at all, breastfeeds her!?! So strange. Anyway, can't wait to see the fam and Baby Beck this Saturday!!


    p.s. It would be such a diSaPPointment to not see you guys this weekend! :P


Babble back y'all