Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Hello, friends.

I know it's been awhile, but the holiday just had me beyond busy. I've been off for five days, and holy cow, I already can't wait for next weekend.

We had a grand old time at The Lakehouse. The weather was beautiful, and it was nice to wake up somewhere where someone else makes the coffee. The only downside was that B and I had to sleep in twin beds. And, I'll be honest, we both enjoy snuggling with Baby B between us and we do this frequently (often with all of us falling asleep). One morning, when I got up at 5:30am to nurse the little man, a jealous B croaked from across the pack-n-play between our beds, "I wish I had the Manmary boob that was on Meet the Fockers." He he he.

Anyway, our three days in Cumberland were spent eating, watching True Life on MTV, playing Tribond, hottubbing, watching True Life, sleeping in, and watching True Life. I don't know if we watched it because we're cable-deprived at home, uber-interested in the crazy lives of strangers, or because my mom accidentally DVRed 27 episodes of it. Either way, I am so glad I'm not in debt, a yo-yo dieter, or a single mom.

We also shot our family Christmas pic. Unfortunately, I cannot preview it here because many of you will receive it in your Christmas card from my parents. The Babbling family will shoot their own Christmas pic, but to tide you over, here's a pic of my little Grinch - who is probably the most non-Grinchy Grinch there ever was. Love him.

Oh, and there are MANY MORE pictures. I shot 197 pics over the past 5 days, so I'll upload some more eventually - like of the boys deep frying the turkey, Mom cooking, Soph resembling Ellen DeGeneres, me and the boys hottubbing, and Aubz snuggling with Baby B. They don't call me the Abb-aratzi for nothing ;)

1 comment:

Babble back y'all