Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Did you make it out to the stores this weekend? Did you see the CHRISTMAS stuff piled EVERYWHERE?! Halloween was 48 hours ago and they're already ready for a holiday that is still two months away. Crazy.

The only good thing about the quick transition from one holiday to another means that all the Halloween goodies are now on clearance. I bought 5 Pumpkin MagnaDoodles that I intend to use in my classroom at a center (to practice proper letter formation, of course) for $2.50 a piece. This is an easy way to be green too, since it doesn't involve wasting paper. It's also much more fun than using plain old pencil and paper, right? I, personally, could doodle on a MagnaDoodle for hours. But that's just me and doodling brings me infinite amount of happiness anyways - Magnadoodle or not.
In preparation for the holidays, B and I have decided to participate in "30 days of nothing" - as inspired by Owlhaven. (This woman fed a family of TWELVE on $200 a month!) Basically, we will spend money only on our necessities: monthly bills, gas, and groceries. We will have $300 in cash from which we will pay for our gas and groceries. No pulling out the debit card for frivolous expenditures. Which is mostly difficult for me, as I can't help but buy goodies for my classroom or a cute outfit for my darling child on a regular basis.

Why do this, you ask? Well, first of all, we want to increase our savings. Secondly, we want to have a little extra to spend during the holiday season - custom Christmas cards designed by MEllen, the Festival of Lights at the zoo with Baby B, gifts for family and friends, a trip to Michigan for the weekend, etc. Also, we want to be able to give. Last year, with the help of my parents, we were able to provide Christmas to a family who may have not had one otherwise. It was very meaningful and we really want to do it again this year.

So, for the month of November, we're going to be a little more creative with our cash. No splurging on Skinny Lattes at Starbucks, no trips to Target, no Donatoes on nights I'm too lazy to cook. So wish us luck and keep us accountable as we give this our best shot!

In other news, somebody's found his tootsies....and lost his hair! We miss it, but he's still the cutest follicly-challenged four-month-old we know!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe his hair has fallen out! He had so much! He sure is growing- such a cutie! I can't wait for him and Paise to play together! Being a mommy just keeps getting better each day! We are so blessed!


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