Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Enfamil Coupons Giveaway!

Okay, we all know I'm a nurser, but Enfamil totally does not. I must be on some registry to receive, like, a million coupons from them for $ off of their formula. However, being a non-formula user, I've accumulated a nice stash of coupons that are not being used and I'd love to mail them to a mommy who really needs them.

Here's what I have:
  • 1 BOGO Free Enfamil Lipil at Kroger (up to $13.85) - exp. date 12/27/08
  • 1 $20 MIR (mail in rebate) when you purchase 2 cans of Enfamil Lipil 25.7 oz - exp. date 12/31/08
  • 2 $1.00 off coupons - exp. 12/31/08
  • 3 $2.00 off coupons - exp. 12/15/08 (+ 2 attached MIRs for $10)
  • 1 $3.00 off coupon - exp. 12/31/08

I also have several expired coupons totalling $15 that I would be happy to send to. However, I don't know if they accept them since I've never purchased formula before.

To win this giveaway, simply leave a comment on my blog. That's it! Super easy! I'll have my husband randomly choose a comment number and then I'll post the winner on my blog on Friday, December 12th.


  1. I get these coupons too! I've been giving mine to all the preggo girls at school, even my sample cans. I hope this gold I have coming out of my body lasts until Paisleys a year old! By the way- the britax carseat fits 5lbs to 33 lbs. He can ride in it now!!! He still has to be rear facing until he's 1. He's at the 20 lb weight, but he has to be both. It is so cozy!

  2. Hi,
    I would love to have these coupons/checks (even the expired ones). I am due in two weeks. For some reason, Enfamil has not send me anything even though I have registered. Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi Abz!! Well, as I mentioned to you in a previous post--I can't get enough of your blog!! :) And I know this post doesn't exactly pertain to baby formula...but I wanted to tell you that Baby B's Christmas outfit with the candy cane striped pants is SO ADORABLE!!!! And, I've decided that the cutest baby picture I have ever seen is him in his car seat "Sweet Baked Potato" before the shopping trip!! Striped legs, striped bib, cute little hat! :) He's a doll!!! Love you! ~Mo

  4. ooohhh, formula coupons. I can't think of anything better! :) Why oh why is formula so expensive? And when the little one doesn't finish his whole bottle--I might as well just go put a couple of bucks in the trash!

  5. OH MY GOSH!!! You don't even know how helpful these would be for me!! My 10 month old is on Enfamil, and Enfamil seems to not want to give me any coupons...go figure?? I also set a goal for myself about a month ago to not pay any money for formula until she can go on regular milk. Sad to say I've had to pay just a little (very little, though), and these would REALLY come in handy to try and reach that goal. My husband and I have cut our grocery bill in half trying to use coupons. And with two in diapers, that's very hard. Anyway, thanks for the offer:)


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