Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You know you have a blog when....

- you take your camera with you. Everywhere.

- you preface a conversation with, "Did you see on the blog..."

- you check your comments religiously and are bummed with no one comments.

- you find yourself saying, "I can't wait to blog about this!" to your spouse.

- you feel like less of a blogger for not posting every day.

- you find yourself wondering how someone knew something about you that you're for sure you didn't tell them. And then you realize - they read it on the blog.

- you wish all your friends had blogs so you could stalk them too.



  1. Your reading my mind! My camera never leaves my purse, don't want to miss the perfect pic for the blog. Love all the Christmas tree pics you posted, glad to see others getting into the x-mas spirit. Baby Beck looks just adoreable in x-mas red. Glad to see that you and Brandon didn't let the x-mas tree win the battle! You guys are gonna love celebrating Becks 1st Christmas, I can still remember each of my babes 1st x-mas'! See you tomorrow night!

  2. Amen sister- some might say we get carried away with this blog thing. What are they thinking? By the way, got the family x-mas card today! Too cute! Cutest little grinch I've ever seen!


Babble back y'all