Thursday, January 1, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

So, it's totally 2009.

2008 flew by at warp speed, and I can hardly believe that a year ago we didn't even know that we were going to have a sweet little baby boy in our lives. I was 16 weeks pregnant, battling endless nausea, and praising God that I could put the Christmas decorations away for fear that the wafting smell of cinnamon from our Yankee candles would induce another bout of gagging. I still can't stomach too-strong smelling cinnamon, and opted for the evergreen-scented variety this year. This was also the time of year that I had a strange obsession with all things citrus, and invested in pounds upon pounds of oranges that I insisted that B peel for me (it tasted so much better when he did so). I also watched my waist become non-existent, and fell in love with all things comfy and stretchy. Amen for spandex.

While it seemed that the first half of 2008 d-r-a-g-g-e-d by, the second half seemed to disappear in the cliched blink of an eye. I can't imagine that time is going to slow down much this year either, and that we will find ourselves one year from today expressing the same sentiment.

I predict 2009 to be one of the best yet, and I look forward to all that it will bring. I hope that you, too, have a fantastic 2009. Now, go watch the Rose Bowl Parade - since it's that or Judge Mathis - and have a great New Years Day!

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