Monday, January 5, 2009

Babbling Zebra

I don't really know what I want to tell you today, Internet. It was a relatively uneventful start to the second-half of the school year. I mean, really, nothing is coming to my head. Maybe I'll just do a random, numbered post. Let's see...

1) Baby B loves greenbeans. This kid hates bananas, but loves greenbeans. Is that odd?
2) B is still ripping up carpet. I'm okay with that. The bits of foam cushioning everywhere are driving me nutty, but whatever. The hardwood is beautiful and I love the aesthetic effect it's having no our house.
3) Spring Break is in 11 weeks. That's it: 11 weeks. Praise God.
4) Potential icy road conditions may occur in the morning. I'll believe it when I see it, Derek. You're still earning back my trust.
5) I'm actually kind of excited about watching The Bachelor tonight. I think he's a pretty sweet guy, and he has a son. Men can be pretty darling with their little ones (specifically my husband as the World's Best Dad to Baby B, but I'm just saying...).
6) I want Ohio State to lose tonight.
7) I made empanadas for dinner and they were super tasty. I ate three. Oink.
8) Ummmm, I'm running out of things to say.
9) B turns 27 on Saturday! Three years til 30. Eek!
10) One of my students told me that I looked like a zebra today. I was wearing a black/white, horizontally striped turtle neck. A great simile, if you ask me.
11) Must. Bake. Brownies. Rightnowatthisverymoment.

Off to indulge my alter-ego that is obsessed with all things fudgy and chocolatey. Night!

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