Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow, snow GO AWAY...

I just received the all-call that we're off school tomorrow. Again. The roads are still a mess and there are branches down all over the place. I am going a little stir-crazy being stuck in the house, so I'm kind of ready for the snow to vanish. Plus, I am down to my last Diet Coke which could prove potentially disastrous to my health (hellllooooooo caffeiene-deprivation headache!). B said he'd run out to replenish my stock, but I just couldn't let him go when he spent the past hour chipping ice chunks off of my car. What a guy. He's now laying on the couch with his hands thickly slathered with Eucerin and Aquafor. Bless his heart.
I am way too caught up on my household chores, btw. The laundry is finished. The house is clean. I made blueberry muffins, taco soup, and chili dip. I even shoveled the driveway yesterday. I might just have to plan a whole 'nother week of lesson plans to consider myself using these days off completely responsibly. Or not.

I am lovin' spending so much time with Baby B too, which totally reaffirms that I was made to be a mom. I do love my job, but I love being with my sweet precious so much more. I love sleeping in with him, feeding him breakfast, playing on the floor, singing silly songs, and just generally enjoying his daily cuteness. I feel so much better scheduled staying at home too. This week is going to spoil me. I can hardly wait for summer break.
In other news, Baby B had to give up his loaner baby tub since Sutton was born. So, what does his frugal mommy do? Oh, she just finds a handy-dandy beverage bucket and now we have ourselves a new tubby.

1 comment:

  1. I like Beckham's beverage bucket.
    Can you please save it for my future children?
    I'd appreciate that.


Babble back y'all