Saturday, February 28, 2009

And the winners are...

After a top-secret, highly reliable selection process (i.e. writing all your names on slips of paper and then randomly choosing one), here are the chosen winners...

The winner of the books is Mrs. Stilettos!

The winner of the Robeez is Jenny!

The winner of the Softie is the Buki Family!

The winner of the Onesie is Lea Liz!

The winner of the Combo is Kelly Taylor!

YAY! Congrats, winners! I am so excited for you and thank you for your readership.

Please contact me at babblingabby(at)gmail(dot)com including your first and last name, your home address, and what you won (be specific if you want a certain softie or what you want on your onesie).

Thanks a million times over for visiting Babbling Abby and for playing along. I had so much fun!


  1. Congrats to all of the winners!!!! This was such a fun giveaway opportunity Abby!!!!

  2. I never win anything!! Yay!! Thanks so much!!

  3. Thank you for hosting SO many giveaways!!

  4. uh oh...looks like someone forgot an "l" in babbling. Just had to point that out to my favorite handwriting friend :)

  5. Good eye Sister Lyons! I don't even know if I would have caught that one :)

    Baby B is growing waaaaaaayyy to fast! He's going to be walking before I see him again :(

    Also, as someone who draws everyday, all day long, I am very impressed with your Dr. Suess painting. Job well done sister.


Babble back y'all