Sunday, February 1, 2009

Are you ready for some football?

You are never going to believe how today's sermon began...talking about COKE, I kid you not. (It was a metaphor for having "the real thing" in your life.) I was in agony as I sat there completely, 100% uncaffeinated this morning. Absolutely torturous. Needless to say, we made a quick detour to the grocery after service where I stocked up on a 3 for $9 sale. I wasn't even nice enough to make one of the three a regular Coke for B. Nope, all three were Diet. I mean, it might as well be for B's sanity as well as mine that I'm not deprived any longer of my insatiable vice. I mean, come on, I practically had the shakes this morning.

Anyway, I guess it will be back to school for me tomorrow. I shouldn't feel like it's a major hardship or anything, since I have been off for NINE STRAIGHT DAYS, but I just really don't want to go back. I told you that spending all the time with Baby B would spoil me. Luckily, my plans for last week will be put into place this week, so I'm not spending my day today scrambling to put lessons together. Is it June yet?

Baby B and B are napping, and I'm putting together my standard we're-going-somewhere-where-I've-been-asked-to-bring-a-dish dish (vegetable pizza). I think we all have one of those. My mom is usually all gourmet and fancy, trying new recipes and totally outdoing herself, while I'm slapping some cream cheese concoction on flattened crescent roll dough that I got from the refrigerator case using coupons. But, it is pretty tasty, and Aubs requested it since today is her last day up north for like SIX MONTHS. So, I will oblige and off to the K's for a Super Bowl Party we will go, vegetable pizza in hand. I will miss the Aubabiba :(

Whether you're rooting for the Cards or the Steelers, enjoy yourself and have a great Super Bowl Sunday!

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