Sunday, February 22, 2009

Straight from the babe's mouth

Hello, Internet.
It's me, Baby B. I will be 8 months old on Friday, so I thought it was time I updated you on my life as of late.

First of all, I am so big. I wear 12 months clothes like they're going out of style. And they pretty much are since I'll probably be into 18 months clothes in a week. My growth is out of control. Mommy is always shocked when she asks the age of similarly sized babies only to find that they are 2 or 3 months older than me. She feeds me well, what can I say?

You also must know that I have a new love in my life. It's a bunny. And I love him with all of the love that one can love an animal that is a blanket. This is me and Bunny. You can't tell by this picture, but I usually rub one his paws or ears when I am falling asleep. Sometimes, I'll wrap Bunny's blanket body around my head. Aren't I too cute?

Now, I've never really watched TV before, but I do love me some Veggie Tales. In fact, I love Bob and Larry so much that I can fall asleep listening to their silly songs DVD. They're that good. Mommy and Daddy walk around singing Veggie Tales songs and cracking up about how silly they are (i.e. Barbara Manitee, you are the one for me...'Cause you're my cheeseburger!...I aint got no belly button). I think they think they're a lot funnier than I do.

I also have THREE teeth on the bottom, and I should have my top choppers in the next couple of weeks. There is a LOT of drooling going on at our house.

Lastly, I am learning to crawl. Yes, Internet, I am semi-mobile and Mom and Dad pretty much think I am a genius. Ah, the joy of being the first child...

*Mom told me to tell you that you should just ignore her annoying encouragement. She gets excited about everything.

Come back later to check out Our Favorites Give-Aways! They'll be around all week!


  1. Have you heard the veggie tales song " Where is my hairbrush?" It cracks me up!

  2. We are partial to the "Cheeseburger song" and the "Pirates who don't do anything" :)

  3. You are so welcome for me commenting Abby!!! We'll have to keep in touch!!!!!! I love me some new friends, too!!!!


Babble back y'all