Monday, March 16, 2009

I pray the Lord my soul to keep...

It is a sad week in our community. Two young girls took their lives this past weekend, acquaintances of one another. I went to church with one of them, and coached a church cheerleading team with her mother. Her little sister was on my squad. I ran into her mother just a couple weeks ago at Starbucks.
My heart absolutely breaks for these families, and I find myself thinking about the most recent encounter I had with this girl. She was 16. She asked about my pregnancy, and congratulated me. It was all very casual, in passing as we ran into one another after church service. I wonder, was there something that I or anyone could have done to convince her that life was worth living?
Despite my brief encounter with her, it is the effect her death will have on her family that keeps my mind reeling. It really makes me think about my responsibility as a parent, and the terrible burdens that face teenage girls today. In my own mind I just cannot imagine life being that bad. I could not imagine being her mother. I could not imagine the personal demons she must have faced to see death as the only reasonable alternative.
Part of me thinks that this is fake. That she is still alive. That this is all some terrible joke and that I will not be attending her funeral service on Thursday. But it is very real. And families are saddened beyond measure, souls are damaged, and life will be altered in some way for each life she touched.
So please, offer up a prayer for these families. Ask for peace. And forgiveness. And then go give your sweet preciouses a squeeze and make sure they know how much you love them and how important they are to you. Life is far too short.
*If you are familiar with these families, please do not mention their names in your comments in order to protect their privacy. Thank you.


  1. Amen. Life is so short and so precious. It isn't promised to any of us tomorrow. Even the next hour, next minute. I always make an effort to make sure the last thing that comes out of my mouth to someone, would be something I wouldn't regret- should somthing happen to them or me.

    I, too, cannot imaging life getting that bad, in order to do something so tragic, but after some research, sometimes it's "thought" about and then an impulse decision. Had they really say and pondered they may have changed their mind. Regardless, it is a very sad sad thing, and my heart breaks for these 2 families as well. I will definitely be praying for their families, as well as you Abby- as I know your heart is heavy tonight.

  2. Very sad. I will pray for their families. And you too. It reminds us not to take one moment for granted. On the flip side, you may never know how many lives you positively influence by coaching the cheerleading team at church. God uses us in ways that we will never know on this side of eternity.

  3. Oh my. This news is horrible. I cannot imagine how life can get so tough that death seems the only way out. Those poor girls...and their families. I cannot begin to imagine the hurt and probably guilt too that these parents and family members are facing. I will definitely keep you, your community, and these families in my prayers.

  4. How awful. My prayers are with you all.

  5. Life is a new all game when it comes to your children. Your mom mentioned this to Ron in an email today. Advice - just don't ignore the parents and if they want, let them talk about their daughter. I know sometimes I want to talk about Mandy but feel the other party feels uncomfortable. We don't care if you say anything, we just want you to listen. My prayers are always with parents that loses a child. Mandy would have been 22 this Thursday and the hurt will always be there in even 6 years later. Don't stop praying for this family and their faith.

  6. Oh my gosh this is so sad! Teen suicide is a big problem in my area, and I just wish someone could tell them that it's hard to be a teenager but that you'll get through this phase and move on! There is so much more to life than the teen years, it's so sad. I will definitely keep them and their families in my prayers.

    On a happy note I left you an award on my blog!

  7. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends...

  8. Truer words have never been spoken...both families are in our daily prayers! How agonizing it must be to see you child leave this world before yourself. We are all suppose to grow old and live full, enriched lives with our families and friends. It really puts things in perspective and encourages everyone to reach out to those they love and take the time to say "I love you!".

    Kiss your child every chance you get, hug them as much as possible, tell them you love them, and spend every waking moment being the biggest part of their precious lives!!!

  9. wow...They are all in my prayers!!!!


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