Tuesday, March 31, 2009

M-I-C-K-E-Y M...O...U...Suck...E

Good morning, Internet. I'm sipping over-creamed, over-sugared coffee (because that's how I do it) while listening to Jack Johnson croon softly in the background. It's grey and gloomy outside, and the perfect morning for doing exactly what I'm doing. Nothing.

Baby B is snoozing upstairs, resting up for his big nine month check up this afternoon. I don't think there are any shots today, praise God, so I'm not too worried. I think he got something crazy like six last time. It. was. awful. I cried harder than he did. I told him that if he behaves he can go visit Aunt Aubs afterwards. He's pretty pumped. He can do a lot of new tricks since she last saw him - like stand, and clap, and grind his teeth (this drives me CRAZY).

Aubs arrived in from FL last night, much to our (and her) happiness. Let's just say that Disney is a little different when experienced from the employee perspective. My mom, Aunt Danielle (Baby B's surrogate aunt), and I all stood at the top of the escalator watching for our tanned little Disney drop-out to make her way to freedom.

And, in true ΑΔΠ style, I made a welcome home sign for her, glittering to my heart's content.

This is the pic I drew of Aubs in her rockin' Disney costume. Really, that's what it looked like - except it had a necktie that I added after I'd already taken pictures. Pretty sweet, eh?

Anyways, we're glad you're home Aubbers!


  1. Hey Abberz!
    Thanks for the sign and for being the best big sister ever (well one of them!)

    Glad to be home and I love your blog's title for the day!

    <3 Aubz

  2. how cute! was she a Disney character? which one? this was always one of my dreams! and how freakin frackin cute are YOU?


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