Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…

Today, because it Criminal Minds isn't interesting tonight and because I hog the blog, I decided to interview my husband – whom I always refer to (in real life and blog life) as B. He's a pretty integral part of the Babbling Family – well, there really would be no Babbling Family with him, sooooo…..

Me: What is your favorite thing about being a dad to Baby B?

B: Ummmm. My one favorite thing? That's it? It is that…wait, repeat that question…ummm…knowing that I can watch someone that I love so much grow up and that I will be a part of his life.

Me: What is your favorite thing about being husband to the Queen of Babble?

B: I think it's the thing that we always say about each other – we balance each other out and you understand me.

Me: What is the hardest part (currently) of being a parent?

B: I think the hardest thing about being a parent is dealing with Baby B when he cries. It's a little overwhelming sometimes.

Me: What is the hardest part of being a husband?

B: Not being selfish.

Me: What is your favorite thing to do?

B: Reading about and doing home improvement projects. AND when I'm shaving or brushing my teeth in the morning and you bring Baby B down and he smiles like he hasn't seen me in a week. I love that.

Me: How do you keep things interesting after being with me for 10+ years?

B: This is how:

Me: If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?

B: Something to do with working with animals – owning a kennel or farm, or both, and have tons of different kinds of animals. And you would help.

Me: What is your favorite place to visit?

B: A toss up between the zoo and Leland, MI.

1 comment:

  1. Your guy seems like a very interesting & fun man who can really dance! You are one lucky girl!!!


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