Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's a lovely day in the neigborhood...

Good morning to you!

I hope it's as bee-yoo-tiful where you live as it is here. It is gOrgEOUs. Not a cloud in the sky, and I think it supposed to be in the 80s today. Baby B is snoozling and Big B is finding more ways to piddle improve our home. Today he is adding the toe strip to the Mint Room. Every time I look into that room, I just let out a huge sigh of contentment.

I am way talking this room up, I know that. So, prepare yourself for disappointment when I finally show it off. It only matters what we think, I guess, and we think it's lovely in all its minty goodness. And, it could be awhile before the big reveal since it still lacks the toe strip, curtains, pictures, rug, and a new light fixture. Not too long, though, since our first house guests will arrive in a little over a month.

I am going to dinner with some of my friends tonight and I am sO ExcItEd about it. Katie and Allison were both college roommates, sorority sisters, and bridesmaids of mine. I love, love, love them, and only wish we all lived in the same city so we could do weekly get-togethers instead of this quarter-annual stuff. Since we're all grown-ups now it's become a bit more complicated to coordinate schedules. As is life though, right?

And, GUESS WHAT? Guess who got an early Mother's Day gift that is TO DIE FOR?
Um, yes, that would be *me.*
I'm not going to show it to you right now, but here is the box that it came in....

I'll model its contents for you on Mother's Day ;)


  1. Very exciting about the early Mother's Day gift...can't wait to see what's inside. I have to drop some hints for my first Mother's Day;)

  2. Hi Baby B!! It is beautiful here and I am laying out all day! Have fun with your girlfriends, and I can't wait to see your Mother's Day gift!

  3. Oh my I can only imagine what is in that box! I just bought a Lilly dress the other week. Surprisingly, my husband didn't have a heart attack when he saw the receipt. I cannot WAIT to find out what's inside! Love you!


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