Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Perfectly Perfect for Reading When It's RAINING. AGAIN.

I am so over this gloomy weather. It makes me feel very lazy and unproductive because I want to do nothing but cuddle up on the couch and read a good book. Which I will do. Just as soon as Baby B gets up from his nap because *guess what?* PERFECT FIFTHS is waiting for me to pick it up at the library! Yippeee! (Well, I'll pick up the book at least. Reading it probably won't happen until he's asleep again tonight, but whatever.)

I am a lover of YA lit. I can't help it. Jessica Darling, the ficticious main character in this series of books, is just so personable and real. If you haven't read this series before and love to rehash high school and college, I suggest you start at book one, Sloppy Firsts, and start reading. You won't put it down. Then you'll want to go get the next one and then the next one and then the next one. It's like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (shout out to moms and teachers alike), only BETTER. They're addicting. I kid you not. Megan McCafferty has perfectly captured what those years were like for most of us and put it into written word. I heart her, I really do.

Anyway, I think the last time I finished a novel was before Baby B made his arrival and I spent my days on the couch, propping my swollen ankles up and praying that my water would break so I could end the misery that was The Waiting Game. I started reading a book like way before Christmas and I think I'm in the middle of it now. But it must not be good. Because when I'm reading a good book, all I do is read until I'm finished with it. And then I'm sad that I rushed it and it's over.
And, lastly, here's some pics with captions by Baby B....

What, is there something on my face?

My mom bought me these sweet turtle jammies for $1.98. Tell me that's not impressive.

And this, here, is my tongue. Pppffffftttttt!

I love mom. That will make for a great tatoo some day.

1 comment:

  1. soo cute!! I love those turtle jammies!!! The last picture of you two is adorable!!


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