Wednesday, May 6, 2009

...Blog Friends Forever...

Today I thought I would drum up some attention to my dearest BFFs. For those of you who don't know already, BFF is a little term I coined to refer to my Blog Friends Forever. I read so many wonderful blogs around the internet that I thought I should share my love of them with you. Some of these dears I know in real life, and others are those I found through my passion for blog stalking. So, if you're looking for something new to read today, here's who you should check out...

  • If you're looking for a funny mommy read, check out Rachel at Babywebbsite. Rach and I are Pi girls (first, forever, & finest - wink, wink) and had sweet baby boys within months of one another. She's getting ready to post about her stint in bed for the last ten weeks of her pregnancy. She's very entertaining, keeps it real, and her kid is cute. A quality combination.
  • If you need a little southern charm in your life, visit Lindsay at Trio Posts. She's another Pi girl, also has a sweet baby boy, and will crack you right up. Her vlogs (video blogs) are hilarious -go tell her so because she thinks otherwise. She's currently on a TV hiatus and is conducting a variety of contests this week.
  • Need decor advise? (I do!) Then visit The Nester. Her ideas are inexpensive, classy, and her motto is It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful. Don't you love that? Her window mistreatments are to die for.
  • So you're planning a wedding? Love wine? Adore the prep life? Then Nat over at It's a Charmed Life is the girl for you. We would totally be friends in real life if she didn't live miles away, I just know it.
  • And then there's a southern transplant - another Nat - at The Pettijohns. She's quite possibly the cutest pregnant girl I have ever seen. Her funny take on pregnancy will keep you in stitches, and you can join her on her new adventure up east in the 'Burgh.
  • My teacher friend Carrie blogs about hometown life, her adorable children, and their chicken at The Ossege Family. Really they raised a chicken and are getting new eggs from eBay! She's also incredibly creative and posts idea/pics of her latest adventure in card design.

I hope you enjoy checking out my BFFs! Leave them some love!


  1. Thanks so much for the pick me up on the Vlogs. I may just give you a shout out! Love you Abs!

  2. Thank you for the love!! You are too sweet!!
    I'm so glad we've become BFFs!!

  3. Thank you so much for the sweet plug, Abz:). I can't wait to get you babbling one my blog - hopefully very soon. And Lindz told me about the webcast idea and I AM SO IN. Haha.


Babble back y'all