Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Fun Facts

I'm so totally stealing this post idea from my BFF (blog friend forever), Nat, over at It's a Charmed Life.

  1. I simply adore the new Pringles Super Stack that contains 100 delicious Pringles. I love the Mozzarella Cheesestick and Mexican Layered Dip Flavors.
  2. Punishment is spending a 20 minute bus ride with 75 kindergartners. Torture is one of them PUKING during the ride. Ask me, I would know.
  3. I have a terrible terrible terrible nail biting habit. I have gone the acrylic route many times, but, um, I can totally bite through acrylic too.
  4. I hate shopping for jeans. Nothing ever seems to fit exactly right in the waist or the length, and I'm always frustrated that I can't find the perfect pair.
  5. I refuse to buy expensive sunglasses. I go through them like crazy - from leaving them places, to sitting on them, to losing a screw. My current pair has been around for two years. That is a record.
  6. I wonder if I'm going to have carpal tunnel someday from the amount of time I spend on the computer researching lesson plans, blogging, blogstalking, and emailing. Seriously.
  7. I attended The University of Kentucky to get my psych degree and spent many hours at good ole Willy T socializing studying. So, I thought that this was hilarious. Please watch it. I probably would have participated if I was still a student...

Oh, Willy T = the William T. Young Library. And it's dead week on campus - finals are next week, so I'm sure this is the result of a bunch of over-studied students!

Tee he he he....

Happy Friday, y'all!


  1. haha love it!!!!! I went to UK my freshmen year of college.. Willie T was the place to be..ha

  2. Abby I completely agree with you about the jeans shopping!

    I used to work at a Levi's Store and I learned that you need to make day out it and focus on getting the perfect pair. If I go in with a bad attitude about it I know I'm coming home with nothing!

  3. I love it! I also can't believe pringles has a mexican layer dip chip... I must go get some!
    I can also never find the perfect jeans they're always to short or the waist comes down waaaaay to low!


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