Monday, May 11, 2009

I love to see you smile :)

A long, long time ago, there was a sweet little 4-year-old with a charming space between her Chiclet-like front teeth. This gap was ideal for housing things, such as quarters and zippers, and her mother insisted it added character to her smile.
That 4-year-old girl grew up, got married, and had a baby.
That baby now has teeth...

Um, I think the picture speaks for itself :-D

* * * * *

And, by request (and because my husband deserves some recognition for picking out and correctly sizing my Mother's Day gift), here is the newest addition to my wardrobe. And, yes, I am 110% posing for this picture, gap-tooth smile and all.

PS. Happy Birthday, Allison!!!!!!


  1. Glad you had a nice first Mother's Day! Love the dress! Your hubby has good taste.

  2. I love your Mother's Day present! Good Job B!

  3. My mom says the same exact thing about my gap-tooth smile! And I think our mom's are right :)

  4. Thanks sister!!!! I told you, Baby B looks more and more like you everyday, gap teeth and all! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

  5. Abby! You look gorgeous in that pink dress...can we say HOT mama on Mother's Day?!!?


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