Sunday, May 31, 2009

Katie + Scott = Looooooove

...REHEARSAL DINNER...Me, Katie (The Bride), & Allison

Katie & Scott (The Groom)
( It would only be fitting that I'm the only one looking in at the camera in this picture... )


Back row - Mer, Me, & Al

Front Row - Leah, Meg, & Alex

...The Reception...
Me & The Hubs (doesn't he look dashing in suit?)

Our Little Lady ADPi - above

Fellow Blog Mamma Below
Leah (Maid of Honor), Katie, & Cassie
The Pi Girls - Pledge Class '01
Me & Kate...isn't she stunning?
Me and Katie K.
Again, dashing, no?
And, Lee, this one is for you. #1 Blog Buddies ;)
To Katie & Scott...
Congratulations. You are such a beautiful and wonderful couple and I love you both dearly. To a wonderful marriage and life together....


  1. Looks like you had fun!! You look beautiful!!

  2. Love the pink dress on you!! Is that the surprise dress from a few posts back??

  3. You look so pretty! I am loving the pink Lilly, you can never wear it too much!
    You and B are too cute!
    It's looks like you had a great weekend!

  4. Love it - you skinny thing. This will def go on our blog. Love you.


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