Tuesday, May 26, 2009

RIP, Grandmother Air Conditioner...

An oldie, but a goodie...

And now the entire Babbling household can sleep sweat-free, since we bit the proverbial bullet and replaced one of our elderly appliances with its studly, gunmetal colored great-great-grandson. Ooh, la la...

Thank you for all of your well wishes for Baby B. He is still one sick puppy, covered in a red, splotchy rash and combating the most persistent fever ever. It's miserable. For both me and him. I took the day off to take him to the doctor, praying that it was an ear infection or some other treatable bug. But, no, it's one of those things you just have to wait out for three days. Three miserable days.

When he wasn't being all cuddly and sick puppy-ish today, he was pulling the diapers out of the diaper box. At one point he actually lay his head down inside the box. Hard work to disorganize, isn't it though?

Random, but I thought Leland could use some face time. She's pretty cute too. Not much else going on here, other than the crazy cleaning frenzy that I'm in to get ready for our Very First Houseguests due to arrive in t-minus 72 hours. Today I organized the pantry, just in case our Very First Houseguests need chips or spaghetti noodles or something during their weekend stay. Prior to today, a hand might have been lost in stale crackers or mostly empty boxes of cereal. But no more. Now it's all neatly stacked spices and alphabetically organized canned goods. [That might be a slight exaggeration, but it looks pretty darn good!]

I also scrubbed - and by scrubbed I mean removed caked on layers of hairspray and powdered blush - from our sink and tiled floors and walls. It was bad y'all. Horrific even. Borderline embarrassing. But now our Very First Houseguests can beautify in our pristine shower, sparkling walls, and unsticky tiled floor. And I won't be ashamed to let them.

Lastly, the Mint Room is almost ready. Promise.

Off to watch The Hills ...nothing like a little Speidi before bed :)


  1. Congrats on the new air conditioner!

    Love the pic of the pup. Have fun with your guests!

  2. The good part about the new AC is that it should be more energy efficient! Right?
    Good luck getting ready for house guests!!

  3. YAY for the new a/c!!!

    and uh, can't wait to see this Mint Room!

  4. Every goodbye always ensues a new start. I know how it feels to junk a once functioning AC unit. We just did that yesterday and it surely was upsetting. For one, I can’t just live without an air conditioner. Our AC always keeps me asleep during hot summer nights. Now, we’re on our quest to a new, durable AC. :]


Babble back y'all