Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Give me some H-E-L-P!

I worked on this all after-friggin'-noon. When I should have been doing laundry and the like. But, Baby B took a good nap, and this needed to get done because...um...the big day is less than 2 weeks away. Sigh.

I had to design it in Microsoft Word because I don't own Photoshop or inDesign or anything fancy that you designers do. (Though I wish I did...ADOBE, if you are listening, I would WELCOME donated copies to try out...hint, hint, hint.)

So here it is. The El Cheapo Way to make a birthday invitation...

It looks much better in person, non-pixilated and non-blurred (so you can't stalk me, of course).

It's simple, but effective. And I am totally coveting design software now.

BUT, I am totally open and welcoming to suggestions. I think it needs more. A polkadotty background maybe? Some clip art? What are your thoughts????

And I'm kind of theme-less at this point. Mama Faith did a darling primary color cupcake party and it was spectacular. Again, I welcome your polite suggestions on this matter.

Oh, and if you're Adobe and want to contact me about donating the above mentioned software, I'm at babblingabby(at)gmail(dot)com. :P

***Edited to add...please go visit a sorority sis of mine over at Maple & Shade for a great giveaway. This girl's got great style and talent!***


  1. First birthdays are a lot of work! We just had 2 parties for Avery's first birthday. One was a monkey theme and one was a cowboy theme. I ordered the stuff from...hmm just forgot the name. I'll think of it and come back. I had Danielle (of the design girl) make my monkey invites b/c i didn't have time to. The cowboy invites were the ones that came with all the stuff. Don't stress too much. All He needs is the cake! :P

    p.s can't you get a teacher's version of adobe?

  2. I personally think it is adorable but then again I probably wouldn't even be able to make something that cute on word!!

  3. I love the green and blue and the polka dots! The pics are perfect too! You know I will create anything you want in indesign! I just don't think I can design, print, and ship them to you soon enough! Hit me up for next year- I will deliver them at the cabin :-)

    Birthday parties have become overrated! Remember what your celebrating and make some memories! I wish I could be there! Give him lots of kisses on those cute little cheeks!

  4. I'm not sure if you noticed but you won my giveaway! I posted it yesterday morning and then posted a big ole rant about healthcare right afterward so it kind of got buried. Anyway, congrats! Send me your addy to ashley(dot)arthur(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  5. Oh, and good luck with the Bday party. I am already excited to throw one for my litte guy and he's only 5.5 months. Silly, right?
    I'm in no hurry for him to grow up - I'm just excited about him destroying his cake.

    I saw a Dr. Seuss theme that was cute.

  6. I love the invite. Can you believe Becks is almost one? WOW


Babble back y'all