Saturday, June 27, 2009

I might have cried when I wrote this post.

Dear Baby B,

I have just put your down for the night on the eve of your First Birthday, after we read extra stories and sang extra songs. I might have cried a little bit while reading one of your favorite stories about a mommy and her little boy - I love it because of its sentimental value, and you love it because you get to press a button that lights up and plays a song at the end of the story. Everyone wins.

Part of the story says If you weren't my little boy, there'd be a hole in my heart. And just how true those words are. I could not imagine life without you and have absolutely enjoyed every single stinkin' moment of this past year. All of them. Midnight feedings and spoon-throwing tantrums included.

There are far more things I would, could, and should say to you - but I will save those words for a letter that I will place in your baby book. The book that I barely kept up with this past year, though I think that this blog is detailed enough for you get a good idea of when you got your first tooth and tried strained bananas for the first time. If not, there's always the 1534 digital pictures that I have between two different computers that you could review - file foldered according to month. That averages out to about 4 pictures a day. Just so you know.

I love you so big, sweet boy. Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!

Love, Momma

PS. We might have let you devour sample a Graeter's chocolate, sprinkled ice cream cone on your very own for the very first time today. We had a private, little family celebration on a picnic table at the local shop, where you devoured this cone as if it was your last. You were messy and chocolatey and full of love for your ice cream. You gave all the customers quite a treat as they re-circled through the drivethrough just to get a better look at your chocolate covered face, hands, legs, and clothes. It was precious. Probably one of top ten experiences that we've had with you this past year. We stripped you right down in the parking lot, toweled you off, and then immediately took you home and plopped you in the tub. The perfect end to a great day.
PSS. Aunt Aubz, I promise to post the pics of your present tomorrow when I show the others ;)


  1. aww Happy Birthday to your sweet little man!!! He is so adorable! I love the pictures of him eating his ice cream cone, what a special birthday treat!!

    I don't know whta I will be like whne Brody is turning a year.

  2. I love your blog! I was an adpi at Georgia Southern. How about you?

  3. LOVE the ice cream celebration!! What a sweet memory with your tiny! and HAPPY 1st to your baby boy, Abby :)


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