Monday, July 27, 2009

M-m-m-might Monday!

What? Another Monday? It's crazy how fast these summer weeks fly by.
Anyhoo, it's time for another Mighty Monday. Where you and I spout off about the things we might have done since last Monday. Shall we begin?

I might be praying for Stellan. Scratch that. I am totally praying for Stellan. Every time that sweet child and his family pop into my mind. For those of you not following, he's being airlifted to Boston.

I might have returned to my home this afternoon to find that when I opened our front door, I was greeted by a wave of poopy diaper smell.

I might have not even located which trash can said poopy diaper is in and moved it outside yet. I am blogging instead. Priorities, people.

I might have a list, 32 items long, that needs to be completed by next Monday. Kindergard-related.

I might attempt to start one thing on the list, which consequently leads to me finding something else to do which was never on the list in the first place. Apparently, these items are on an invisible list that grows exponentially every time I do something on the original list. Did you follow that?

Baby B might have accompanied me on one of my many trips to school over the weekend, where he adopted a set of computer headphones and drug them around by the cord as if it were his pet. He also might have chewed the plug-in. Might I be the kind of parent that would let him do such a thing?

I might be totally excited that CVS is offering Extra Bucks for buying Diet Coke this week. I am so there. My school supply that I keep beneath my desk needs to be replenished. I might go through at least two cokes by 11am when I'm working. I might be Diet Coke-dependant.

I might have been totally obsessed with the Sixteen & Pregnant series on MTV. If I find that I am not alone in my obsession, I might write a follow-up post so that I can write my thoughts and you can write yours. My heart might go out to Catelynn...I might think Farrah's mom is cRaZy...and I might think Gary is pretty stinkin' hilarious. Let me know if you might have watched it too.

Would you be interested in a Mighty Monday MckLinky? If you think you would play along next week, let me know and I'll see what I can do about MckLinking everyone together.

In the meantime, pray for the MckKinneys and the team of doctors that are working with them. Have a Mighty Monday!


  1. I think that Josh (yes, Josh too- he's actually the one who got me to watch it) and I are totally obsessed with Sixteen & Pregnant also! I cried everytime I even saw a preview for the story about Catelynn. Very touching.

  2. I LOVE sixteen and pregnant... I don't know why but I totally do!!! I'm a sucker for shows like that!

  3. Oh and I will def be playing in Mighty Monday if you want to make a link!

  4. I can't not watch 16 and Pregnant when I see that it's on's addicting!

  5. Definitely a fan of 16 and pregnant, and I love Mighty Monday..even though I might have forgotten that it was Monday today, and already posted. I might just post again.

  6. I love Mighty Monday and I would definately link it up! I am secretly obsessed with Tori and Dean's show on Oxygen. Cracks me up!

  7. Abby! I'm officially a blogger now. I love reading about your life and also hearing that you're still addicted to diet coke :) - I'm right there with ya sister

  8. I would totally patake in MckLinky Monday!

  9. I also love 16 & Pregnant!! I was so addicted to that show!


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