Monday, July 20, 2009

Might Monday!

Alas, I did not forget that it is Mighty Monday. I just might have been busy doing other things, like playing superhero to Mr. Walkin Oliver Theplace who tries to climb concrete walls with a single bound...

If you want to play along, just let us know what you might have done since last Monday. We promise not to tell what you might have done :D

I might want to hurl the remote at the television right now since I cannot, for the life of me, get our digital receiver to pick up ABC so that I can watch The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All special. (I honestly believe that this switch to digital cable was sick ploy to get us non-cable buyers to purchase a cable upgrade so that we can actually watch TV. Rrrrrr. Anyone else have this problem?)

I might have to invest in a golfcart for my toddling child since our vacation house was right on the course and he fell in loooooove with this one:

It might be darling to hear him say "goh, goh, goh" as he's looked for the golfcart every morning since we left Michigan.

I also might have to exchange all of Baby B's toys for sticks and rocks and mulch and carboard boxes since that's all he seems to want to play with these days. I might be super pumped that I exceeded our weekly grocery budget by only 57 cents tonight.

I might more super pumped that my sister found a certain famous soccer player jersey that might bear the name of my son across its shoulders.

And it might have been $1. AT A THRIFT STORE! Loves it.

I might think that you're smart enough to figure out with the "B" in Baby B stands for. If you didn't know already.

I might still be nursing Baby B twice a day. And it might be killing me that this part of babydom is coming to an end.

And that might have nothing to do with the fact that it's been the best diet that I've ever been on.

I might be out of things to say.

If you play, comment below and let us know so we can see what you might have done. I might try to hook up a MckLinky next week, but I might be too tired to fool with it right now...


  1. oh my goodness, abs you are absolutely beautiful! Oh and that lil guy of yours is so stinkin' cute. Love his outfit and his little hat! Baby K def needs to meet Baby B someday! =)

  2. 3 freakin' cute are you and Baby B in the very first picture! Number 2...I am IN LOVE with his hat and MIGHT need to get one for baby perks :) Number 3...I might need all the tips I can get on nursing since you seem to have been so successful with it.

  3. Just wanted to tell you I stumbled across your blog a while back and it cracks me up all the time to read! A perfect break for a stay-at-home working mommy with an 11 month old. Thanks a ton!

  4. That was fun! No news on the job front yet, but I am hoping the closer it gets to school starting, the more jobs will appear. Wish me luck!


Babble back y'all