Monday, July 13, 2009

Mighty Monday!

This picture might have been taken after our annual Sunday night dinner at the Bluebird Cafe FOUR YEARS AGO in Leland, MI. Eeeh. And, oh my, the blonde hair!

What might you have done this past week? What might you be doing right now? Let's get together in the spirit of Mighty Monday and post things that might have happened. You don't have to admit to anything - pure speculation...

I might be lounging by the sandy shores of Lake Michigan as you read this.


I might be fishing frozen cherries out of the bottom of my icy cold Cherry Lemonade with my sisters at Cherry Republic. Or steeling samples for lunch.


I might be visiting Cavanaugh's for a latte.


I might be strolling the streets of Leland.


I might be spending money on headbands and skirts at Haystacks or on touristy shirts at Bay Wear.


I might be drinking a glass of Leelanau Sands pinot grigio on the back porch of the Giza during daily cocktail hour.


I might be chasing Baby B up and down the stairs of the deck, sparing him from splinters and scratches.


I might be walking hand-in-hand with B through the streets of Glen Arbor.


I might be catching a shuttle back from the beach with my cousins.


I might be eating muesli and yogurt for breakfast in Traverse city.


I might be picking cherries on a local farm.

I might have written this post last Wednesday before I left. I might be missing my BFFs, though I might not miss the reality of life that waits for me when I get home.

Please feel free to celebrate Mighty Monday on your blog too. Make sure you link up here in the comments section so that we can visit your list too :D

I might have taken this picture FOUR YEARS AGO - also in Leland - because I'm an ADPi. I might be the biggest nerd ever. Roooar.


  1. I might be celebrating Monday with a MIGHTY MONDAY!!

  2. I MIGHT be jealous! Hope you are having/had (depending on when you read this)a great time.

    Aunt Debbie

  3. I might love your cut off jean shorts and I might have done my first mighty monday today :)

  4. I MIGHT be at work at 9pm and therefore VERY jealous.

    I MIGHT be very sure that you ARE the biggest nerd ever:).

  5. I might be in love with every second of your "might" posts. I swear I crack up everytime I read them. AND I love your lion roar. Brings me back! =)


Babble back y'all