Friday, July 24, 2009

Show Us Your Life Friday

Kelly's hosting Show Us Your Life Friday, and today it is wedding dresses. And, yes, I realize that I'm playing really late...but I hadn't really had a good change to blogstalk until right now. At 10:00pm. You know how that goes.

We were married in 2006 and the style of dress that I wore was peaking as a trend. I still love it, but I certainly wouldn't classify this dress as classic, but, well, trendy. However, I totally loved my thick, black ribbon accent that cascaded down the back. It was a beautiful dress, and I sold it on eBay for $400 not even a year later.

Why let it sit stored, unused, IN A BOX, when it could be making another bride just as happy as I was? That was my justification.

Sorry the pics are small. Like Kelly, I didn't get professional digital images either! Doh. I opted for a photobook. Oh well. I have plenty of pics from the main event and several other good ones that my family and friends took. Happy Friday, y'all!


  1. I love the dress!!!! Especially the black sash, beautiful!! You were a beautiful bride! :)

  2. Loooooooove the black! love.

    Beautiful bride you were Abby :)

    and now such a beautiful momma!!

  3. Love the black sash!!!! Love it!!!! Black and white to match hubby...That's awesomely classic to me! (I think I am making up words this morning..I need more coffee). Gorgeous Abby!

  4. Gorgeous bride! I love how the dress gathers at the bottom! And B made a very handsome groom. (Don't want him to feel left out!) How many days of summer left for you?

  5. The dress is gorgeous, I love that you used black for the sash instead of like, pink or green, never seen that before.

  6. I love the dress too...but I am partial since we wore the same one!

  7. HI! I saw your comment on Mckmama! I wanted to share my website with you:
    I will be donating a portion of all sales to the String of pearls to help families and babies like Stellan! I am trying to get it out there in any way I can! Please let your family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it!
    Thanks!! :)

  8. i had a very similar dress, abby!


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