Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Only 175 left to go...

As the theme song from Welcome Back, Kotter plays on repeat in my head, I sit feeling a little out of sorts - and shocked that the first day of kindergarten has come and gone so swiftly.

Twenty-two little darlings kept me on my toes all morning. Literally. I was so busy that I didn't even drink a Diet Coke until 11am. Unusual for someone who's usually poppin' open a can before the sun rises. I also didn't have time for but a bite or two of my catered breakfast before my first kiddo showed up. My Panera bagel then sat on my desk until school was over and the cream cheese had gone all crusty at that point. Bleh.

Don't you worry, I didn't starve. I came home and shared some cranberry oatmeal with Baby B. And then I had another Diet Coke, so all was well.

I spent the afternoon paying bills, trying not to be depressed over the fact that Sallie Mae is going to bleed my budget dry. I loathe you, Sallie Mae. If anyone has any creative ways for making approximately $30,000 disappear, please be in touch.

So here I sit, exhausted, and thinking that 9:39pm is the perfect time to call it a night and head upstairs to my down comforter and squashiest pillow. (Squashiest is totally a word. I know. I teach kindergarten.) However, my MIL sent over her famous banana-nut muffins and it's taking mass restraint to prevent myself from downing one. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't the size of four muffins in one, and if I didn't feel obligated to eat the whole thing in one sitting, you know?

Anyway. Happy Monday. Er, Wednesday. Whatever day it is, Happy That. I'm going to bed.


  1. You have got to be kidding me.
    No Diet Coke before 11AM?!

    I would have died.

  2. I didn't have any diet coke today... I'm all out and my soda machine at work was empty!!!!! So I had a small coffee... I'm dying!!


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