Saturday, October 31, 2009

And the winner is...

Stepping in for a sec from our Halloween festivities to let you know that we have a winner in the Fab Bag Giveaway!
First of all, thanks so much for your bloggy love and support! Giveaways are so fun and I enjoyed reading all of your comments and meeting some new BFFs (blog friends forever). Without further ado, the winner is...
{Jennifer, I left you a comment on your blog! Please email at babblingabby (at) gmail (dot) com!}
Happy Halloween, y'all! I'll post pics later :D


  1. I can't believe I won!! I'm So excited!!

  2. Hi Abby,
    I am just stopping by from MBC. Thanks so much for becoming a follower of my blog. I actually saw your blog through mom logic as well and checked it out a few days ago. I really enjoyed reading and love the name. I look forward to reading more!

    Follow me on twitter: @StrollerBallet
    My blog:


Babble back y'all