Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fab Bag Giveaway Day!

Surprise!!! We're having a real, live GiVeAwAy today at Babbling Abby!!!! I am so pumped!!! See, look at all the exclamation marks I am using!!!!!!!

{Deep Breath. And...release...}

So, let's begin by discussing something crucial to motherhood. Like a key piece that keeps you forever organized and you usually don't leave home without it. And, if you do, you either wind up with a dirty diaper on your hands with no supplies to take care of it - OR - you're stealing Goldfish off the endcap at Kroger, silently scolding yourself for leaving that key piece at home containing your baby occupying treat. Oops. (And, P.S., I always pay for the Goldfish before we leave. Ahem.)

Yup, sweet readers, I am talking about THE DIAPER BAG.

I love and adore mine and find that it has pretty much taken the place of my purse for the past sixteen months of Beckham's existance. I own a very simple, black one that I carry everywhere. It has multiple pockets inside and outside, it's lined with a decorative plastic liner, and it came with a changing pad. It's functional, yet classy, and has been the one thing that has remained a staple during every phase of Beckham's life so far.

Soooooo, when I was contacted by a representative of CSN Baby, I was more than excited to host a giveaway of one of their fine products. CSN Baby carries a wide variety of baby-related products, from nursery decor , to strollers, to furniture. I recognized most of the brands they carry and have used many of them in my own home. Further, their prices are competitive, while lots of items seemed to be on sale or discounted to a great rate. Major bonus!

They let me choose {within reason, of course} the object of my desire and I decided that all moms - whether you're expecting or already are one - could use a fab bag to lug around. And, even if you don't have childen yet, you could still enter this giveaway for your future peanut or the peanut of a friend, right?

So, without further ado, here's what we're giving away today on Babbling Abby...

This is the Carter's Big Dot Tote Diaper Bag in Black & Lime. Totally fab, huh?!

It's modern pattern is super cute, and you can't beat the adjustable shoulder strap, accompanying changing pad, cell phone case, and accessories bag. Such a sweet combo. It's a $39.99 value and it can be your's FREE!

If you would like to take part in this giveaway, here's how you play...

1. Leave me a comment using the phrase fab bag anywhere in your comment.

2. To double your chances, leave a comment AND become a follower. Be sure to let me know in your comment that you're new follower or if we're already BFFs (blog friends forever.)

3. To triple your chances, leave a comment AND become a follower AND link up to this post on your blog. Again, be sure to let me know in your comment.

It would be helpful to include your email address if you don't have a blog so that I can get in touch with you if you win.

You have from now until next Thursday, October 29th to play. At that time, I will use a random number generator to select a winner. The winner will be announced on Halloween!

Yay! Please join in! Happy Thursday, y'all :)

{Disclosure: This giveaway is being sponsored by CSN Baby. }


  1. That fab bag is fabulous! I would love to win it for my niece, who is expecting her first child....a little boy.:)

  2. I want that FAB BAG soo bad! I'm due in Jan and def need a FAB BAG to carry around with baby in tow!

  3. I also linked this post on my site.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  4. I would love this fab abb for my little one:)

  5. i am now a follower, glad i found your blog

  6. That REALLY is a fab bag! I need a new one...Logan STILL isn't even close to being potty trained and as the diapers and clothes get bigger, it's so hard to just stuff things in my purse and find a good spot to change him too.

    I am already a follower!

  7. I'm pretty sure after seeing this fab bag I've been able to picture myself using it fabulously. Very cute, and I've skimmed the CSN site- LOVE it!

    This would even make a cute teacher travel bag as well, hmmmm....

    I'm already a follower and I will for sure mention this on my blog tonight!

  8. I also posted on my blog about this FAB BAG.

  9. I would love that fab bag! I have a 2 year old and a 3 week old!!!

  10. What a fab bag! I've already 2 that I rotate right now but I'd love to win it for my best friend who is due with her little peanut in March!

  11. What I would do for this fab bag!!!! I'm a follower too!!! Whoo hoo!!!

  12. 1.)FAB BAG!

    Just found out I am going to have a nephew! I was planning on getting her a diaper bag for Christmas and this would be perfect.

    2.) oh and in case you didn't know, we are BFFs

    3.)Also, I am going to link back in a few sec.

  13. Hey ABBY! Hope you are doing well...I love your cute blog and the FAB BAG give-a-way. I am having a little bambino in March and this would be the perfect FAB BAG to tote around all HIS stuff!

  14. I'd love the bag for our baby coming home from Africa after Christmas! And I am already a follower. Great giveaway!

  15. What a wonderful "fab bag"!! I would love to have this fab bag for the baby that we are hoping to adopt one day! :)

  16. What a fab bag!!! I need to get one for my sister and niece!

  17. What girl wouldn't want to carry around a FAB BAG?? What a fun gift!



  18. This is such a fab bag for a future mom like me! I am expecting my first little one this March. :)

    Thank you!

  19. I am a new blog follower! Thank you for the chance to win this fab bag! :)

  20. Well you know we are BFF's and the Fab Bag is very cute! I will link back in just a few! Hope you and Becks (and Big B) are doing well!

  21. This "fab bag" is the most fabulous bag I've seen in a while! :) And, I'm a follower! What an awesome giveaway!!

  22. Ooh! So exciting to see a giveaway for this fab bag!!! I am a former winner of one of your giveaways from a while back and can only hope that I'll be as lucky this time! I'm already a follower as well.

  23. I am loving that fab bag :) My cousin is due with her first baby at Christmas and this would be a great gift. :)

  24. That is one FAb Bag. I could definately use it. I haven't bought a bag in a few years. dying for one.

  25. I am a new follower now.

  26. That is a fab bag! My new baby girl would love that for all her things! LOVE IT and hope I win! :)

    PS I'm a NEW follower!

  27. Um yes...Fab Bag for this young hag, please!!! And I've been a follower for a while, woman!!! And it would be a great treat for someone potentially trying for little babes, soon!!!

  28. This is a FAB BAG and would be great for my 13 month old! By the way...I am a new follower!

  29. Hi! I would LOVE that fab bag! I'm also a new follower! Thanks!

  30. okay girl..

    this fab bag would be perfect for toting around my lil Brody's things of course and plus it matches his stroller:)

    Im a follower.. a bff you know and I am posting on my blog!!!!

  31. I LOVE this FAB BAG!!! It looks especially big enough for my twins' stuff, which is so hard to find.

    I'm also a follower :)

  32. Love love love the FAB bag, and as you know I have been a BFF for a while now!! Great fab bag giveaway!!

  33. I just linked this giveaway on my blog!!

  34. Bloggers come out of the woodworks for a free gift don't they?!? Just remember who your faithful comment-leavers are when you ahem-"randomly choose" a winner for this FAB BAG. PS...we must be diaper bag soul sisters because my current purse AKA diaper bag is also lime green and black and I'd love to rotate my current with this adorable polka dot accessory. I'm already a follower and I'll definitely link ya back to LIFOP :) Happy Friday BFF!

  35. My Fab Fourth is due in 5 weeks so a new Fab Bag would be an awesome addition as well :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  36. I heart this fab bag. And I am already a fab follower of your blog. And I will link to your fab giveaway on my blog. Which means I will have three fab chances. Yippeeeeee!!!

  37. i want that fab bag for my prego bff...she would absolutely love that!!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I would love to win this FAB BAG!


  39. Love the Fab Bag giveaway- great idea for a Friday! I am totally a BFF, although I have been neglectful of my own blog lately, I always make time to read yours! I finally updated, so check it out Hope all is well! Can't wait to hit you up for some good baby boy raisin' advice :-)

  40. I LOVE diaper bags!! No one can have enough fab bags :)

    and I am a follower!

  41. I have a besties who is expecting and I would love for her to be able to carry around that fab bag for her little one! I hope I win (for her sake!) Also, I am already a BFF! Gotta love a fellow KY girl! Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. This is too cute!! Love the colors of the diaper bag!

    tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

  43. Such a FAB Bag!!! I am now a Fab follower, I linked this Fab Bag on our blog! I hope to be the Fabulous Winner of this Fab Bag!

    Too cute, great idea! I will be following other posts too!

  44. Lovin the fab bag, loving you my BFF and wishing we could go get coffee together:(

  45. I'd love to win the fab bag. Thanks!

  46. That's fun to say. "fab bag" almost as fun as fabulous! :) I realize if you read that again, it makes no sense. Oh well! I just found your blog (from Dave & Brit's) and I'm now a follower. Love your writing style! I think I'm hooked. Thanks for the fab bag giveaway and I'll be by to read your blog again soon...

  47. we are expecting in march...and if there is one thing we do not yet have, it is a FAB BAG! in fact, i have never found just the right FAB BAG with any of my other kids so i am open to the idea that this might actually be the FAB BAG i have been searching for my whole life...

  48. you may have already gotten it but i tagged you for an award Abz!

  49. I LOVE this FAB BAG!! I have a new baby girl - Kylie (6 weeks) and also a 17 month old - Blake, and this would be perfect for us!

    I do not currently have a blog but here is my email address -

    ps - I have also become a follower!

    Kaelin Thacker

  50. I LOVE the FAB BAG! I have a new baby girl - Kylie (6 weeks) and a 17 month old - Blake and this would be perfect for us!

    I do not currently have a blog but here is my email address - I have also become a follower!

    Thanks! Kaelin Thacker

  51. I want to own a fAB BAG!!

    <3 kathy

  52. I follow you :)

    <3 kathy

  53. I LOVE the fab bag! What a fabulous giveaway! I'm a follower now too! So glad I found your blog!!

  54. If I had this bag and went to the store evry one would say look at that fab bag

  55. I totally heart this FAB BAG! Just want a new momma needs! :) (Check out my beautiful bambino on my blog!) I am now a follower and have posted to this post on my blog! How FABulous! :)

  56. Now that's a FAB BAG! I heart that FAB BAG! (So much so, that this is the 2nd time I've commented...not sure why the first didn't post! lol!) This FAB BAG is just want a new momma needs! Check out my beautiful new bambino on my blog! Oh, and I am now a follower and have linked this post on my blog! How FABulous! :)

  57. I love that bag, it's so cute!
    babygoodbuys at gmail dot com

  58. I also just linked your fab bag giveaway to my blog!

  59. This is a FAB BAG! I would love to have this absolutely adorable bag! By the way, I am a NEW follower as well!

  60. I love the Fab Bag. I am the Nana of a new grandson and would love to have this as my Nana bag for my house.

  61. I am going to post about your fab bag... and as much as I want it, because seriously it's an awesome diaper bag, I'm pretty sure my new husband would go running and screaming in the opposite direction if I owned a diaper bag. He's still adjusting to marriage I'm gonna give him a few more months before I force him to become adjusted to the idea of kids.

  62. that fab bag is greeeat. i love that the color isn't PINK. I'm fed up with pink! i have a 4 month old little girl who would love to have something that wasn't pink, or say "princess" lol. I am a follower and love to read your blog :)

  63. So glad I got internet back to see the giveaway for the FAB BAG! I need a new fab bag for baby #2!

  64. that is a FAB BAG and i could certainly use a new FAB BAG for my little sweet pea, Connor! you have such a great site - thanks for sharing!! i am already one of your bff's :) i found your site through kate price!

    - Ellen

  65. That bag is a FAB BAG!!! I am a new follower, your most recent to be exact, and loving your blog~! I also added you to my left sidebar "Giveaway" section!!!

  66. By the way, I am a new follower to your blog and I love it.


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