Sunday, November 15, 2009

You're not EVEN going to believe it...

Do you know what the best part of my weekend was? (Besides making pumpkin muffins with sweet precious AND finding a new obsession AND seeing my *SISTER* and BFF...) That it's NOT OVER yet.

That's right. I am taking a personal day tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure the hallelujah chorus just played somewhere when I typed that. The upcoming week is completely worthy of tagging an extra day onto my weekend. Why? So glad you asked.


Five hours, y'all. That's five hours of telling parents how wonderful their children are while tactfully explaining that Junior sometimes picks his nose and eats his shoelaces during floor time. Despite my gift of gab, that's a lot of talking. So, my personal day is to prep my vocal chords for the big event. And to read New Moon.

Oh, you didn't hear me? No, no, clean out your ears. You definitely didn't hear me say that I was going to spend part of my day tomorrow in desperate search of a book that relates to vampire romance. I do not for a second think that that would be remotely appealing, and I most certainly didn't spend the greater part of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday obsessing over Bella and Edward.

Who are Bella and Edward? I do not even know them.


It's sick you all, I know. I do not know how it happened. One second I'm anti-vampires and refusing to read a book that has anything to do with bloodsucking, and the next the teachers at school are force-feeding me this crazy book called Twilight that I neglected all my weekend chores for. And I am now clearly obsessed and there is no clean laundry at my house because when I wasn't baking pumpkin muffins with my son or eating Chinese food at my parents' house, I was on the couch READING ABOUT VAMPIRES.

The library shows that there are no copies of New Moon available in our county. So, I'm just going to have strap Becks in the stroller and hide in Borders for eight hours straight so I don't have to buy it. Because I'm desperate to read it, but I'm being ridiculously frugal and refuse to buy it when there are that many free copies available but I'm to impatient to wait.

Because I MUST know what happens next.

I told you, it's sick.

And don't go giving away any of the upcoming events. I can't tell you how thrilling it is that there are three more books and two movies left to see that entail my new guilty pleasure.

Also, Mama Faith, I totally take back any comment I left on your blog chiding you about reading it. My sincere apologies. Let's be Twilight Friends Forever.

Another also: my real life BFF moved into a new home and I got to see her and it today. This girl could be the next Nester and her cabinet painting adventure warrants exposure on Young House Love. Allison, pleeeeeease come and style my house. Pretty please?


  1. ok, So I totally see why I enjoy reading your blog! I too was a Twlight hater. I was forced to read it...kicking and screaming about how vampires were so stupid and this was something that would pass. So I read the 1st book, then like you proceeded to read the whole series in a week. My poor baby, husband, housework and 25 3rd graders suffered much that week, but life in Forks was good. I hope you find NEW MOON and love it. It was my favorite. I am very PRO JACOB. Enjoy the personal day. I too have conferences this week and a day in Forks with Bella and her vampire friends sounds way better!! :) Enjoy the day.

  2. Oh my I can not believe you are just now getting into the Twilight series!! You do not have any idea how much you have been missing! You will for sure fall in LOVE with Mr. Cullen. I have even had dreams of having vampire experiences with Edward, and I was sad when I awoke to find they were not real! I am even thinking of packing baby boy up with me for the midnight showing on Thursday. I swear he will sleep through it but hubby is not so sure!! Enjoy the books!

  3. oh and i also saw my sister today...but it wasn't great enough to include in my blog :P

  4. no apologies needed there sister. but i do have to say...i told ya so! :) and yes, i accept. twilight friends forever. glad you love them!

  5. You got to see your Mer Mer too!!!! No matter how hard you try Abz, I won't jump on the Twilight maam, no way, no how. Loved seeing your face yesterday :)

  6. You will love twilight! So good. Love the pic with your precious baby. xoxo


  7. Hey girl, your son is absolutel adorable! I just found you on Kelly's Korner and thought I would say hello!

    My personal blog:

    If you are ever interested in a new blog design, I would love to work with you!

  8. I too had a Twilight obsession. It only gets worse with each book. Sorry. =)

  9. I must admit, if I started reading Twilight, I too would probably be obsessed! LOVED seeing you Sunday.

    p.s. T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E picture of me, but great of you! Looks like you could fry something on my face. But I would love to come help with your kitchen, and kiss that sweet boy :)

  10. I haven't read Twilight yet but ALL of my friends love it, I'm the only one not on the train but everyone says it's so good I may have to give the movie a shot!


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