Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Double Ick.

We are alive. Barely.

It's not been a good past 48 hours at the Babbling Household. After all of the Thanksgiving hubbub, the stomach flu hit me hard at 3:30am two days ago. I'll kindly spare you the details. Whatever I had was crazy contagious, and then in rolled my husband early from work yesterday having come down with the same thing. I felt awful. For me and for him. But mostly for Becks. Who, while he was in the loving arms of the nanas, had to avoid us for 24 hours and spent his first night away from the both of us. Amidst writhing in abdominal pain and shivering beneath a down comforter, I was also sobbing from missing him so much. It was terrible. For everyone involved.

So, I've subsisted on ginger ale and saltines for the past two days, and B is quarantined in our bedroom. While I'm on the upswing, he's probably a good 8 hours behind me, so I expect him to feel better by dinnertime.

The good news is that I felt well enough to clorox, lysol, and/or vinegar clean the entire house, anticipating the arrival of Becks who came home about an hour ago.

I hope y'all are in better health than we are.

And if you haven't participated yet, go check out my Robeez Giveaway posted below!


  1. Oh girl I know EXACTLY how you feel. It hit us all the weekend before Thanksgiving!!!

    Hope your all feeling better soon!!!!

  2. I wondered where you were. I'm glad you are feeling better!

  3. Ohhh no!!! Glad you are recovering. Hope it stays away from Becks!

  4. I'm sorry y'all have felt bad! I hope everyone is better and the little one doesn't get it!

  5. Glad yall are on the up and up! Hopefully this will be it for the winter sickness for you guys!

  6. Missed you the last 2 days! Are you sure this wasn't just an excuse to get out of Brigance testing..ha ha! Glad to hear your feeling better :) Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving.

  7. Yuck!! Glad to hear you're feeling better, I hope it didn't totally ruin your holiday weekend.

  8. Horrible! I hope you are feeling better - soon! It seems like this flu that has been going around comes on SOO quickly.
    I know how it is working in a school, too. You pick up EVERYTHING!

  9. ughh i swear there's nothin' worse that the stomach bug. sorry you guys have been feeling so yucky! but glad to hear that youre finally feeling better. :-)

  10. ughhhhhhhhhhhh.

    SO happy to hear y'all are healthy again---or fast approaching healthy.

    Get well hugs coming your way :)


Babble back y'all