Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Uh Oh. Not Good.

Let me just tell you this is not a before picture.
Also, a baby was found beneath this tree in the aftermath. And it was not Baby Jesus.


  1. "And it was not Baby Jesus."

    That made me laugh out loud here at work!

  2. I seriously just laughed out loud. Sorry. Hope the baby found beneath is okay. :)

  3. I feel ya sister! I am very blessed with a 3 year old and a 17 month old this Christmas....I am taking the tree down tomorrow (seriously) It has been un decoared and redecorated EVERY day. It has been spun a few times and I cant put any presesnts under it. I have tried everything except standing guard with the tree 24/7.

    Did your little guy get just enough scare not to do that again this year?

  4. that is hysterical (prob not at the time but your commentary is perfect).

    i hope becks was no hurt. and i hope not too many ornaments were broken!

  5. first I hope little B is ok, second (as long as he is) I was laughing out loud when I got the the "and it was not Baby Jesus".


  6. oh. my. word.
    good grief girl.
    unfortunate but hilarious!
    hope you guys have a very merry Christmas! with or without the tree! hahha!

  7. Okay...first of all, I am glad Beck is okay. However, I laughed outloud at this post!!!! Too funny!! (and it will make for GREAT stories down the road when he gets older!)

  8. Oh my goodness girl!! I hope that baby you found underneath was okay!!

    Hope you all have a gerat Christmas!!

  9. Hey - sorry I didn't know that my login was some silly name from my class (CRNA 2010). Just wanted to say hello and Happy Birthday! Kelley Paige


Babble back y'all