Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 down, 3 to go!

It's a great day, y'all. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, I had lunch at First Watch, and I just sold three pieces of furniture! Also, the mail contained not one bill. I am eating a handful of chocolate chips to celebrate. Maybe two handfuls.

However, Beck is upstairs squawking about the injustice of having to take an afternoon nap, so that's kind of distracting from the peacefulness that encompasses one who just rid herself of 200lbs worth of oversized furniture.

I'm thinking that Craislist is kind of addicting. Now that I've been bitten by the bargain bug, I feel the urge to rummage through the basement to see what other things I can sell. I always feel this way when I sell on eBay too, but then remember how not fun it can be when you have to ship everything. Craigslist is nice 'cause they come to you.

Well, I'm off to be productive, since I will more than likely be completely unproductive tomorrow seeing as the weather is calling for overnight snow. As evidenced by the FOUR posts from yesterday, I don't get a whole lot accomplished when granted an unexpected day off.

I'll leave you with a pic of my band-aid boy. Yes, I opened the door right into his noggin yesterday. Doh. {I cried with him. I felt awful!}


  1. You're a Craigslister, like me!!!

    LOVE that :)

    You're band-aid'd babe, sure is a million kinds of cute.

  2. I love Craigslist too. And chocolate chips, which I am totally now craving, btw.

  3. It is so true. Once you start selling things on those sites like Craigslist and EBay, it becomes so addictive that you can't stop! :)

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. It means so much to me right now!

  5. I'm a huge craigslist fan too! I sometimes buy (or take from the free section) good deals that I see and then sell them for more money on craigslist and make a profit :) I bought a wedding dress from a boutique that went out of business for $100 and then I sold it on craigs for $275! I also bought a 3 pc leather couch for $150, decided we didn't really like it, sold it for $250 and bought a different couch from craigs in perfect shape and only had to pay $25 of our own money because we sold the other couch!

    Ebay is addicting for me with charms for my Pandora bracelet- they are so cheap!

  6. I LOVE craigslist! Great job for the sale!

    Poor baby! :(

  7. let's talk about how jealous i am of you eating first watch. i am originally from the nky and first watch is one of my faves. for sure. soooo jealous!

    i hope you sell the rest of your furniture. i can't wait to see what your new living room will look like!


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