Tuesday, January 5, 2010

After the Final Tweet

What started as girly banter in our sorority house in college has now become the ramblings of three Mommy's who simply cant turn away from guess what... THE BACHELOR. With the newest season making its debut yesterday we decided to rally our forces. You didn't think the three of us could go an entire reality show season and not give our two, well three cents did you?

So without further ado....The Duet Diva, Babbling Abby and Brit of Dave and Brit Plus One bring you After the Final Tweet- a tweetathon and breakdown of the newest season of the Bachelor. But it doesn't end with us....we need and want your help. Every Monday the three of us will be hosting live tweets and posts during the Bachelor with our deductions of the latest drama. We would LOVE to hear your feedback and your three cents too.

Be sure to pop on over to Twitter and follow the three of us and check back here every Monday for the latest After the Final Tweet news. Here are our twitter links @BabblingAbby, @DuetDiva, & @daveandbrit.

This is the most "dramatic season ever" so don't miss out!

Oh yeah, one more thing....

If you want to add some love and show that you are participating in After The Final Tweet the button to grab is below. !

1 comment:

  1. Ohh this is going to be fun!! Now that I'm a tweeter I'm totally on board!


Babble back y'all