Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Monday

We returned from our weekend at the lake yesterday, and after spending most of our waking hours in the car travelling south and then further south for a babyshower in TN, I just didn't have the energy to upload pictures or a detailed account of the festivities. Plus, I believe my camera is still in the back of my mom's car, and the last picture I took was before Becks and Sophie lost it en route to the shower. My entertainment of the musical variety was not able to compsensate for the five hours they spent in child-restraint devices without napping. Let's just say I can think of a better way to spend my Saturday than strapped into the backseat of an SUV with two kids under three, singing the ABCs on repeat. Literally.

Of course, the trip was totally worth it to shower Baby P and his momma, I just might consider making the trip an adult-only affair in the future. Ah, hindsight...

I am off today in celebration of MLK Day, and have spent the day thus far in my jammies reading the sequel to The Nanny Diaries - Nanny Returns. I couldn't put it down. Having been a nanny myself, I just love this series. Nanny Returns didn't disappoint, and my lesson plans are going to suffer for it since I've just now finished reading it and Becks is awake from his nap. I didn't use his naptime wisely, as I should've. So, though he's watching Sesame Street now, I can't concentrate over Oscar crooning I Love Trash! If I can manage to make myself look publically presentable, as opposed to the sweatpants get-up I currently have going, we may go to the grocery store and the library. I'm not holding my breath, though.

I hope y'all had a good weekend, and that you're planning on joining us for another round of After the Final Tweet tonight. (Did anyone see the preview where Tenley says something about being PREGNANT?!) Also, I highly recommend that you add @rwsquared to your tweeps as she's in on the fun and her tweets are hilarious!


  1. I'm always looking for a new good book to read - I may have to check out Nanny Diaries now, thanks!

  2. Wh...wh...what? PREGNANT??? Oh, girl, tonight is gonna be FUN. I can't wait. I reminded my husband I would be watching The Bachelor in real time on my laptop tonight and he said, "Real time?? Why? Then it takes so much longer!" I said, "But B, I feel like I'm watching it with my friends when I tweet with my girls online!!" He laughed and said, "Oh, that's right." I still don't think he gets it. :)

  3. I will have to get the book b/c I loved Nanny Diaries! And Tenn-UH-see neck of the woods!

  4. I cannot wait to read Nanny Returns... I'm so glad to hear you love it


Babble back y'all