Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Toddler's Top Ten

Becks with The Guys.

Here is a list of Becks' favorite things right now...
  1. Flushing the toilet. Fascinating, I know.

  2. Brushing his teeth with my (or B's) toothbrush (despite having his own). We're all related, right?

  3. Eating raw spaghetti noodles.

  4. Reading books before bedtime.

  5. Pressing the buttons on the printer.

  6. Listening to music in the car. He refers to it as "funny."

  7. Having a "pah-tzu" as soon as he wakes up. He beelines for the kitchen, requesting a pretzel from the glass canister we keep on the windowsill every morning.

  8. Feeding Nana M's dog, Foo Foo, whenever she keeps him. {Foo Foo's real name is actually Lucy, but we think Beck calls her Foo Foo after associating her with dog food.}

  9. Discussing the boat with Papa K every morning over animal crackers and dried cherries.

  10. Hanging out with Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie. He lovingly calls them "The Guys" and he absolutely must bring them all out of bed with him every morning, in addition to his G (lovey) and a blanket. It's quite the armful.


  1. Hehe that's so cute! Cute picture with all the "guys". :)
    My son Hunter, has to do the same thing with all his stuffed animal friends.

  2. Aww i love this. Boys are too fun! They are loads of personality thats for sure.

  3. I love that picture! What a sweet, sweet smile that cutie has!

  4. That's so adorable. I have actually tried to get Lo to get attached to a stuffed animal to no avail. Take his Harry Potter blanket away, and the world will come to a screeching halt, but he'll take or leave stuffed animals.

  5. your little man is way too cute!!!

    fun blog too hun! :)

  6. Those are sooo sweet! Got to love this age.

  7. This age is sooo fun!!!! It's something new everyday! I like the top ten! I'll have to think of Paise's ten favorite things:-)

  8. What a cute little group of "guy" he has there!

  9. I know you have said this before, but we truly are leading parallel lives, my friend. I haven't tried the raw spagetti noodles yet, but I might give that one a go:).


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