Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feel Better, Becks!

I wish all it took was a bandaid to make him feel better...
He insists on wearing one on his head and one on his hand, despite lack of injury. Bandaids are just cool. But can't combat a fever :(
Get well soon, Becks!
{The doctor thinks it's just a virus. Wishing for a snow day tomorrow so I can stay home with him.}


  1. Poor babe! Hope he feels better soon, & congrats to the furniture sale!!! :)

  2. Wanna know something weird? L HATES band-aids. Haaaaates them. It makes me sad I'll never get the multiple band-aid photo opp with him! Hope he feels better.

  3. Poor lil guy! Hope he gets to feelin better quick! We're supposed to get hit hard with snow tonight/early morning too! I'm secretly hoping it's a lot so I can sleep in (because clearly driving in it at 7am isn't safe!)

  4. Always hate it when the babies are sick! Hope he feels better soon!

  5. Poor baby! Feel better Becks!! I hope you get a snow day too :)

  6. Aw poor little man!!Hope he gets better soon and you get your snow day and snuggle time with Becks! I miss those PJ days!

  7. aww I hope he feels better soon. He is the cutest little sick man I have ever seen though with those band aids

  8. Now that is just too cute!!!!!! Look at him with his little baind-aids!!

    Hope he is feeling better soon!!!!!


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