Friday, February 12, 2010

It's a great day...

I am grouchy in the above pic because my hair looks like poo. Or like yellow with black as one of my former babysitting charges commented when I was in dire need of a highlight. Nothing like getting the brutally honest truth straight from the mouth of a child, right?

Well, today the sun looks brighter. My makeup looks fresher. My outlook more positive. My self-esteem is as high as ever.

All because Marie worked her magic and I am no longer yellow with black. Goodbye six inch roots. So long stringy split ends.

Helloooooo, Blondie!

Gaaaaaw, could self pictures look any more awkward?


  1. Your are just too cute!!

    Nothing better than getting the roots done:)

    Love the headband!!

  2. Cute hair! I would never be able to pull off a look like that. I'm jealous. :)

  3. I´m new to your blog and I really love it. YOur hair looks adorable, I´m jealous too ;) I have roots five minutes after leaving the salon ;)
    Since a few weeks I´m thinking about getting my hair cut. It looks so good on you, I think I really should go for it! Nice headband, love it too ;)

  4. It looks great! I definitely love the outfit AND headband!

    Also, weird question, what size in girls did get those shirts to fit? They are too cute and I want them but I'm worried since they're girl sizes, I will be disappointed!

  5. It looks great! You are SO cute. And I love your shower curtain too btw.

  6. Looks fab!!! And love the headband! Nothing better than a little cut and color to make you feel like yourself again.

  7. looks great! love the cut and color! a good ol' visit to the salon always makes me feel better, too. i'm hoping to get an appt next i am currently sporting the yellow/black look. :-(
    again, you look fab!!!

  8. Hi Abby!! Found your blog from my friend Lindsey's!

    LOVE the headband, and the hair color looks great too. I'll have to scope out Walmart for the shirts, they're too cute!

  9. you have officially given in to the gooberishness of the are taking..and posting pictures of yourself. Not cool..we need an intervention.

  10. !) ADORABLE HAIR!!!

    2) We have that SAME shower curtain in our guest bathroom and I LOVE it!!!

    3) My walls in my guest bathroom are the same color!!!!!!!!!!

    How funny!!!!!

  11. Your hair looks great and you totally inspired me to wear a headband today! :)

  12. Found you from Mama Faith's site! I just wrote on my FB page today about my 9 year old daughter telling me how she loved my hair... "that it's blond on top and brown close to me head and underneath."

    So glad to know I'm not alone! I love the new hairdo! Very classy!



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